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Fife Polling Places (WFS)

WFS Service provides download capabilities for details of the location and description of Fife Polling Places

Polling Places - South Ayrshire

Location of all polling places used during local, Scottish and UK elections

Hours worked: by place of work

Hours worked - total - For all employee jobs by place of work Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) Publisher: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Geographies: Local Authority...

Hours worked: by place of residence

Hours worked - total - For all employee jobs by place of residence Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) Publisher: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Geographies: Local Authority...

Perth & Kinross Polling Places

Location of polling places to be used for elections in PKC from 2017 onwards

Polling Places - North Lanarkshire

Location of polling places in North Lanarkshire.

Polling Places - North Ayrshire

Boundaries of electoral polling places within North Ayrshire

Place Name Gazetteer - Scotland

Place-names represent a fundamental geographical identifier, which also have considerable cultural, historical and linguistic importance. Scotland had a great tradition of publishing descriptive...

Projected Demand for Places at Higher Education Institutions in London

These projections are based on the extrapolation of existing trends in the number of students at higher education institutions in London. The analysis uses data from the Higher Education Statistics...

Peterborough City Council - Older people placed and funded

Percentage of older person’s placements funded by the Peterborough City Council subject to a higher price than the basic spot contract bed prices.

Customer satisfaction that the quality of streets/public places is improving (%)

Customer satisfaction that the quality of streets/public places is improving (%) *This indicator is discontinued

% of Talkabout panel dissatisfied with their local area as a place to live

% of Talkabout panel dissatisfied with their local area as a place to live

% of primary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

% of primary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

% of Talkabout panel satisfied with their local area as a place to live

% of Talkabout panel satisfied with their local area as a place to live This is a measure of the Talkabout panel members who are satisfied with their local area as a place to live. ‘Local area’...

% of secondary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

% of secondary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

NI 061 - Timeliness of placements of looked after children for adoption following an agency decision that the child should be placed for adoption

This indicator provides an indication of how quickly children are placed with an approved prospective adopter(s) following the decision that they should be placed for adoption Source: Statutory...

NI 061 - Timeliness of placements of looked after children for adoption following an agency decision that the child should be placed for adoption

This indicator provides an indication of how quickly children are placed with an approved prospective adopter(s) following the decision that they should be placed for adoption

Tranquillity and Place: Visually Tranquil Areas

A nationally consistent terrestrial Tranquillity & Place resource that identifies visually tranquil areas for use as an evidence base to inform policy intent, practice and provision for...

Places to Visit in Causeway Coast and Glens

The Causeway Coast and Glens is an area of breathtaking beauty where the rugged coastline merges with a romantic landscape of deep, silent glens and lust forest parks and boasts three Areas of...

Places to Visit in Causeway Coast and Glens

The Causeway Coast and Glens is an area of breathtaking beauty where the rugged coastline merges with a romantic landscape of deep, silent glens and lush forest parks and boasts three Areas of...