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1,334 results found

Camden Industrial Growth Sector Analysis LATEST

Camden's designated industrial growth sectors: analysis of Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) estimates of employment by industrial sector. Time series and latest estimates. An...

Personal Pensions Schemes

Data on personal pensions

Personal Tax Model

Data on personal incomes and modelled income tax and national insurance liabilities based on base and projected Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI) data. Updated: annually. Data coverage: 1999-00 to...

Personal Tax Model

Data on personal incomes and modelled income tax and national insurance liabilities based on base and projected Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI) data. Updated: annually. Data coverage: 1999-00 to...

Camden Population Growth 2016

This factsheet focuses on future population growth and changes in demographics, with data from the 2014 GLA population projections ‘Camden Development (capped average household size)’....

Disabled Persons Allowance Statistics

Land & Property Services (LPS) administers an application based relief known as Disabled Persons Allowance (DPA). DPA is not means tested. It is an entitlement to a 25% reduction in rates...

CS25 South Blackpool Housing Growth

CS25 South Blackpool Housing Growth, as defined in the Blackpool Local Plan 2012/2027

Camden Industrial Growth Sector Analysis Maps LATEST

Camden's designated industry growth sectors mapped. Latest data from the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES), mapped by Lower-layer Super Output Area (LSOA). See accompanying file...

Prescribed Person

Summarised and anonymised details of disclosures made to the FSA as a Prescribed Person under public interest disclosure legislation. The FSA’s main objective is to protect public health from risks...

Personal well-being

Estimates of personal well-being for UK local authorities from the financial year ending 2012 to financial year ending 2016, ONS.

Young Persons Guarantee

Statistics on the Young Persons Guarantee (YPG) which offers a guarantee of an offer of a job, training or work experience to all Jobseekers aged 18 - 24 reaching 6 months on Jobseekers allowance....

Personal Equity Plans (PEP)

Data on Personal Equity Plans (PEP)

Personal Independence Payment

Personal Independence Payment was introduced in April 2013 and has started to replace Disability Living Allowance for disabled people aged 16 to 64. The information recorded includes Name, National...

Register of personal information

Register of Personal Information held by individual MUs

Personal licence register

We publish the names of all individuals who hold, or have applied for, personal licences in Great Britain. We also publish the names of individuals whose licences have lapsed, been revoked,...

Scarborough Borough Council Strategic Growth Areas

Extents of Strategic Growth Areas in the Borough of Scarborough as polygons. Subject to Ordnance Survey Licensing. See...

BIS economics paper no. 9: economic growth

Underlying data from the publication BIS Economics Paper no 9: Economic Growth [URN 10/1213]

Pike growth data 1944-1995

This dataset consists of growth (length) data on Pike (Esox lucius) from net sampling in Windermere. Data collection began in 1944. The data were initially collected by the Freshwater Biological...

Personal well-being estimates

Estimates of personal well-being from the Annual Population Survey (APS) at district level on life satisfaction, feeling worthwhile, feeling happy and feeling anxious.

Numbers of authorised persons

Table showing number of persons authorised by each approved regulator at 1 April used to calculate regulators' shares of annual LSB levy. Data collected annually.