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71 results found

Pension Credit (PC)

Pension Credit claimants (financial help for people aged 60 or over whose income is below a certain level set by the law) Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: Department for...


NI Water Annual Information Return 2019 2020 Table 40A Nominated Outputs Delivered by PC15 Capital Projects and Programmes of Work

Pension Credit (Northern Ireland)

Presents data from the Pension Credit (PC) Quarterly Statistical Enquiry, shows the key features of the PC population, provides a summary of the main features of PC and how they affect numbers of...

2013 - 2013 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Isles of Scilly Bristow to Stones Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Data

One survey of Bristow to Stones rMCZ site have been completed to date (Apr 2015): Cruise: ISSS_CEND0113Y Date: 3rd Jan - 25th Jan 2013 Data collected: MB Bathymetry Coverage (Contractor): 80pc...

Downcore Foraminifera Data (NERC grant NE/J023329/1)

This dataset comprises a record of benthic foraminifera count data from three cores that were analysed to assess down core changes in foraminifera abundance from the Paluma Shoals reef complex,...

Newcastle libraries computer usage

Monthly computer usage figures by branch library from April 2008 to present. Additional information Given as a percentage of the total available time computers can be booked. BIPC is the Business...

Fluid-driven tensile fracture and fracture toughness in Nash Point shale at elevated pressure (NERC grant NE/L009110/1)

A number of processes, both natural and anthropogenic, involve the fracture of rocks subjected to tensile stress, including vein growth and mineralization, and the extraction of hydrocarbons...

Pension Credit early estimates

An early estimate of the number of individuals and households receiving Pension Credit and the average amount in payment broken down by payment type. Recipients are those people who claim PC either...

Beachy Head East Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Data

Two survey(s) of Beachy Head East rMCZ site have been completed to date (Apr 2015): Cruise: ITT_bhea_14_2012 Date: 23rd February - 22nd March 2012 Data collected: MB Bathymetry Coverage...

Mechanical properties of saw-cut Westerly Granite during injection from a borehole in a laboratory sample (NERC grant NE/K009656/1)

This dataset is used and fully described/interpreted in the paper: Passelegue, F. X., N. Brantut, T. M. Mitchell, Fault reactivation by fluid injection: Controls from stress state and injection...

Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Seas (RoFRS)

This is a national assessment of flood risk for Wales produced using local expertise. The dataset shows the chance of flooding from rivers and/or the sea, based on cells of 50 m. Each cell...

Influenza Update

Information relating to influenza consultations rates and vaccinations for flu season. This publication is being discontinued, in view of Health Protection Scotland’s (HPS) key role and expertise...

Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre (QCCSRC)

The Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre (QCCSRC), is the result of a 10-year, $70 million strategic collaboration between Imperial College London, Qatar Petroleum, Shell and the...

Hydrostatic compressive tests on carbonates samples from Apulian Carbonate Platform at Pontrelli Quarry, Italy

This dataset contains experimental hydrostatic testing data with ultrasonic surveys and acoustic emission data as outlined in "Panza, E., Agosta, F., Rustichelli, A., Vinciguerra, S. C.,...

Bowland Shale dataset: field and sample photographs, sample descriptions, microphotographs, x-ray fluorescence, LECO elemental analysis, x-ray diffraction and RockEval pyrolysis from Hind Clough, MHD4 and Cominco S9 (NERC grant NE/L002493/1)

The data were produced by Joe Emmings, NERC-funded PhD student at the University of Leicester and British Geological Survey, between 2014 and 2017. Authors of these data: Joe Emmings a, b; Sarah...

Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA379. Previously known as NaFRA Spatial Flood Likelihood Category Grid (Internal). This is a national assessment of flood risk for England produced...

Biostratigraphical Masterpacks.

The BGS Stratigraphical Masterpack Series aims to provide high quality biostratigraphical information modules for industry. It is envisaged that the majority of clients will be among the...

MAMM: Airborne Methane and Other Greenhouse Gases Measurements

The Methane and other greenhouse gases in the Artic - Measurements, process studies and Modelling (MAMM) project was a consortium as part of the NERC Artic Research Programme. This project used a...

Measurements, process studies and Modelling (MAMM) program: Airborne Methane and Other Greenhouse Gases Measurements

The Methane and other greenhouse gases in the Artic - Measurements, process studies and Modelling (MAMM) project was a consortium as part of the NERC Artic Research Programme. This consortium...

3D Urban Interactive geological models

3D geology models have been created for London, Glasgow, Cardiff and Liverpool. Users can create geological cross-sections, synthetic boreholes and horizontal slices through the 3D models....