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Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable deterioration following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11c)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably deteriorate after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals An issue has been...

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable improvement following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11b)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably improve after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals. Due to current methodological...

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable recovery following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11a)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably recover after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals. Due to current methodological...

MOD: senior officials' domestic and international travel and expenses

Data on senior officials' domestic and international travel and expenses. This report shows domestic and international travel and expenses undertaken by MOD senior officials. The report includes...

Emergency alcohol-specific readmission to any hospital within 30 days of discharge following an alcohol-specific admission (CCGOIS 3.15)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio of emergency readmissions with a primary diagnosis or an external cause code of an alcohol-specific condition within 30 days of a previous discharge...

Spend over £500 in Homes and Communities Agency

The Homes and Communities Agency is fully committed to the Government's transparency agenda. In support of this we are pleased to publish data confirming the Agency's expenditure. Publication of...

Sentencing Council Crown Court Sentencing Survey bulletin

The Crown Court Sentencing Survey is an ongoing data collection exercise of sentencing decisions made in the Crown Court. The survey commenced on 1st October 2010 and forms cover: Arson and...

Breast feeding prevalence at 6 - 8 weeks (CCGOIS 1.15)

The proportion of infants who are totally or partially breastfed at 6-8 weeks of age, out of the number of infants due a 6-8 week check, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals No...

Potential years of life lost (PYLL) from causes considered amenable to healthcare (CCGOIS 1.1)

Potential years of life lost (PYLL) rate from causes considered amenable to healthcare. The following indicator includes a change of methodology for the pooled years directly standardised rate and...

NOMS Annual Equalities Report

The Equalities Annual Report summarises the progress that we have made on our national programme of high level actions and our priorities for the year ahead. It exposes the ongoing challenges that...

Ministry of Justice senior officials travel report

This report shows international travel undertaken by Ministry of Justice Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central booking...

International Travel Data for DWP SCS 2 and above staff Qtr 2 2013-14

This report shows international travel undertaken by the Department of Work and Pensions' Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’...

Defence Health Database

A collection of health related personnel systems used for production of health related statistics about members of the armed services. This covers, casualty, mental health, Aeromedical evacuations,...

Homes and Communities Agency programme spend by local authority

The Homes and Communities Agency is fully committed to the Government's transparency agenda. In support of this we are pleased to publish data confirming the HCA's programme expenditure by local...

Home Office senior officials travel report

This report shows international travel undertaken by Home Office Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central booking...

Approved Medical Examiner of Diving

Contains details of doctors that are appointed in writing by HSE to conduct statutory medicals to assess the fitness to work of divers, which is a regulatory requirement pre-employment and at...

Cabinet Office Senior Officials Travel Report

This report shows international travel and accommodation used by Cabinet Office senior officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central...

Species point records from 1990-91 Widdicombe Great Mewstone (Plymouth) sublittoral survey

A 5 X 5 metre permanent grid was constructed and deployed at a site 200 m south east of the Great Mewstone, Plymouth, in a depth of 15-18m below chart datum. The aim of the study was to map the...

Habitat point records from 1990-91 Widdicombe Great Mewstone (Plymouth) sublittoral survey

A 5 X 5 metre permanent grid was constructed and deployed at a site 200 m south east of the Great Mewstone, Plymouth, in a depth of 15-18m below chart datum. The aim of the study was to map the...

Energy Use on Farms; Results from the Farm Business Survey

These results cover the physical quantities of inputs used on farm as well as the extent of farming practices such as use of contractors, minimal tillage and ploughing of grassland. Source...