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Annual Acute Hospital Activity and NHS Beds information

Following public consultation these publications will be released as a single publication on a yearly basis from September 2011: - Annual summary of outpatient activity - Annual summary of...

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Access to Anonymised Data

Since the HFEA was set up in 1991 we have collected a vast amount of data on fertility treatments carried out by licensed UK clinics. The data is stored on what we call the HFEA Register. In order...

Local Nature Reserves - Scotland

Local nature reserves are areas of (at least) locally important natural heritage, designated and managed by local authorities to give people better opportunities to learn about and enjoy nature...

Nature Conservation Orders

Nature Conservation Orders (NCOs) are made to protect any natural feature of land that is within (1) a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), (2) a European site or (3) other land of special...

Exotic Notifible Disease Report Case Reported by Who Vocabulary

This dataset provides a codelist for the person or organisation that reported suspicion of an Exotic Notifiable Disease. These investigations are carried out by the Animal and Plant Health Agency....

Biogenetic Reserve (Scotland)

Biogenetic reserves act as 'living laboratories' and are representative examples of various types of natural environment in Europe. They can consist of natural or semi-natural habitats and their...

Country Parks (Scotland)

Parks are set up by Local Authorities to provide open-air recreation facilities close to towns and cities. All the parks have a rural character and are managed primarily for informal recreation....

KIS / Unistats data

The dataset contains information which prospective students have identified as useful, such as student satisfaction, graduate outcomes, learning and teaching activities, assessment methods, tuition...

Local Nature Reserves (Scotland)

LNRs are established in a variety of locations with very varied habitats and species. They must lie wholly within the area of jurisdiction of the local authority which declares them...

Local Nature Reserves - Aberdeenshire

Local Nature Reserves are areas of (at least) locally important natural heritage, designated and managed by local authorities to give people better opportunities to learn about and enjoy nature...

Special Protection Areas (Scotland)

SPAs in Scotland are classified by Scottish Ministers . These are areas of the most important habitat for rare (listed on Annex I to the Directive) and regularly occurring migratory birds within...

General Pharmaceutical Services

The General Pharmaceutical Services in England report shows information about community pharmacy contractors (community pharmacies) and appliance contractors in England, and the NHS services they...

Plant Protection Product information

A number of databases that hold details of information on around 7000 Plant Protection Products that have held an authorisation for use and those with On-Label authorisations since 1998. For all...

Special Areas of Conservation (Scotland)

SACs in Scotland are designated by Scottish Ministers under the EC Habitats Directive ( They are areas which...

Landscape Character Assessment 2019

Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) is the recognised analytical technique which identifies areas with a distinct composition of inter-related physical, cultural, historical and perceptual...

Local Nature Reserves (Scotland - NatureScot)

LNRs are established in a variety of locations with very varied habitats and species. They must lie wholly within the area of jurisdiction of the local authority which declares them...

Local Nature Conservation Sites - Scotland

Local nature conservation sites (LNCS) is a non-statutory designation given by local authorities to areas of locally important nature and landscapes. NatureScot, on behalf of the Local Nature...

National Early Inflammatory Arthritis Audit (NEIAA)

The purpose of the NEIAA is to improve the quality of care for people living with inflammatory arthritis by measuring care provided to patients against the seven quality statements set out in NICE...

Deer Management Group boundaries

Boundary of all Deer Management Groups in Scotland. Voluntary Deer Management Groups (DMGs) cover most of Scotland’s upland red deer range and adjacent land. Managing herds of red deer where they...

Service Users in receipt of Adult Social Care

Table shows number of service users in receipt of services (both costed and non-costed packages of care), during the period, provided or commissioned by London Borough of Barnet; by service user...