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141 results found

WFD Cycle2 TraC seagrass classification

This dataset is a subset of "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" and contains classification data for the seagrass sub-element of the angiosperms element in transitional and coastal water bodies....

WFD Cycle 2 trac DIN classification

This dataset is a subset of "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" and contains classification data for Winter Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (Winter DIN) in transitional and coastal water bodies....

Species point records from 1983 Smith Isles of Scilly littoral fauna survey

This report covers work done under contract to the NCC which was part only of a larger survey of the Isles of Scilly and is therefore far from comprehensive. The remit was limited to descriptions...

Habitat point records from 1983 Smith Isles of Scilly littoral fauna survey

This report covers work done under contract to the NCC which was part only of a larger survey of the Isles of Scilly and is therefore far from comprehensive. The remit was limited to descriptions...

Frailty in Leeds

**Frailty Definition** In Leeds, we use the [Electronic Frailty Index]( to decide which level of frailty people fall...

WFD Cycle 2 river hydrology classification

This dataset is a subset of "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" and contains classification data for hydrological regime. A river can only hold a healthy biological population if there is...

% of physically active and inactive adults - active adults

% of physically active and inactive adults - active adults. The provider of data for this indicator is Public Health England based on Active Lives (self-report survey) and Sport England. This...

Frailty Analysis: Managing The Care Of Older People With Frailty

A newly published analysis using the Electronic Frailty index (eFI) identifies the number of older people with severe, moderate and mild frailty in Camden. The analysis shows that about a third...

Map of soil erosion risk (partial cover)

The map shows the risk of a bare soil being eroded by water under intense or prolonged rainfall and primarily covers the cultivated land in Scotland. Soils with mineral topsoils have been...

Superficial Aquifer Productivity Scotland version 1

The dataset describes the potential of superficial deposit aquifers across Scotland to sustain various levels of borehole water supply, based on four productivity classes: high; moderate to high;...

2012-2013 University of Southampton Poole Harbour Crassostrea gigas transect and settlement panel records

The work carried out so far highlights Poole Harbour as being an anomaly in the apparent steady progressive development of Pacific oyster populations around the coast, in that there is an obvious...

Species point records from 1984 Smith Loch Sween mollusc and polychaete littoral survey

Loch Sween is one of 7 sites currently proposed by the Nature Conservancy Council as Marine Nature Reserves. It has been selected on the basis of its high scientific interest and conservation...

Species point records from 1984-86 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon (entrance) survey

The Fleet, on the western coast of Dorset, is the largest lagoon in the British Isles. 14 km in length, it communicates with marine waters only through a single, artificially narrowed entrance....

Habitat point records from 1984 Smith Loch Sween mollusc and polychaete littoral survey

Loch Sween is one of 7 sites currently proposed by the Nature Conservancy Council as Marine Nature Reserves. It has been selected on the basis of its high scientific interest and conservation...

Habitat point records from 1984-86 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon (entrance) survey

The Fleet, on the western coast of Dorset, is the largest lagoon in the British Isles. 14 km in length, it communicates with marine waters only through a single, artificially narrowed entrance....

Map of topsoil compaction risk (partial cover)

The map shows the risk of the topsoil becoming compacted due to the passage of machinery. This map primarily covers the cultivated land in Scotland and provides information on the risk of topsoil...

Species point records from 1982 MBA Isles of Scilly littoral sediment survey

This report is the result of a brief visit to the Isles of Scilly in September 1982 when surveys were made of sediment shores between Tresco and St Martin's and of the shore at Porth Hellick, St...

Habitat point records from 1982 MBA Isles of Scilly littoral sediment survey

This report is the result of a brief visit to the Isles of Scilly in September 1982 when surveys were made of sediment shores between Tresco and St Martin's and of the shore at Porth Hellick, St...

Historic GQA Headline Indicators of Water Courses - Biology

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA161. The General Quality Assessment (GQA) Headline Indicator scheme or GQAHI (previously known as GQA) was the Environment Agency's national...

Map of subsoil compaction risk (partial cover)

The map shows the vulnerability of subsoils to compaction by traffic. It covers most of Scotland’s cultivated agricultural land area. The subsoil compaction risk gives information on the likelihood...