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Northern Ireland Care Leavers

This statistical bulletin presents summary information on young people aged 16 & over who left care in Northern Ireland during the year ending 31 March. The information, on which this report is...

Children in Care: GCSE attainment

GCSE (or equivalent) performance of looked after children in year 11 compared with all children Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children...

Children in Care: KS2 attainment

Eligibility and performance of looked after children in Key Stage 2 tasks and tests - proportion reaching level 4 in English, Maths or Science compared with all children Source: Department for...

Children in Care: Substance misuse

Substance misuse of looked after children (looked after for at least twelve months) Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and...

Children in Care: KS3 attainment

Eligibility and performance of looked after children in Key Stage 3 tasks and tests - proportion reaching level 5 in English, Maths or Science compared with all children Source: Department for...

Care Leavers in education or employment

Number and percentage of former care leavers who were in education, training or employment on their 19th birthday, who were looked after on 1 April in their 17th year Source: Department for...

Children in Care: Health conditions

Health care of looked-after children including immunisations, health checks, dental checks etc. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children...

Economic activity of care leavers

Activity on 19th birthday of care leavers who were looked after three years previously Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Children in Care: Development assessments

Development assessments of pre-school looked after children, whether assessments up to date Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools...

Children in Care: KS1 attainment

Eligibility and performance of looked after children in Key Stage 1 tasks and tests - proportion reaching level 2 in Reading, Maths or Writing compared with all children Source: Department for...

Community Care Statistics: Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care for Adults

The Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care Project (RAP) was developed to provide a coherent set of National Statistics on adult community care. Community care is the process by which requests...

Adverse Incident Reporting (medical devices)

adverse incidents involving medical devices. Continuous collection. Safety reportsconcerning medical devices - collection, analysis and response

Epidemiology & Medical Statistics Unit (EMSU) National Proficiency Testing Council (NPTC)

Used for inputting, retention, retrieval and analysis of medical data collection on workers exposed to pesticides. Number of records in dataset – 85,900. Contains sensitive medical in confidence...

Care Trusts and Sites

NHS Care Trusts and Sites Contains: Care Trust and Care Trust Site data. Ecare.csv contains both parent organisations and sites. All three Care Trust files follow the same format and...

Care Trust Sites

NHS Care Trust Sites Contains: Care Trust Site data - Ectsite.csv contains only the sites. All three Care Trust files follow the same format and conventions, although field 14 is only...

Care Home Sites

Care Home Sites Contains: Care Home site data. In the ‘Care Homes’ files, field 15 identifies the owning organisation of each individual Care Home organisation - in other words, their...

Care Home HQ

Care Home Headquarters Contains: Care Home HQ data. A standard across ODS data is to maintain a parent-child structure between organisations and their sites, building up a picture of the...

Care Information Choices

Data on patient opt-out information received from GP Practices. There are two types of opt-out: * A type 1 opt-out prevents information being shared outside a GP practice for purposes other...

Social care provision ownership and inspection outcomes: management information

These figures are not official statistics. They are management information published in the interests of transparency as at 31 March 2014.

Patient experience of hospital care (NHSOF 4b)

Patient experience measured by scoring the results of a selection of questions from the National Inpatient Survey looking at a range of elements of hospital care. Purpose This indicator aims to...