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356 results found

OS MasterMap Building Height Attribute

OS MasterMap Topography Layer – Building Height Attribute shows building height properties to help manage assets, plan works and visualise urban density. Building Height Attribute is an...

OS MasterMap® Imagery Layer

The OS MasterMap Imagery Layer is a maintained seamless digital dataset of high-quality 24-bit colour orthorectified aerial photography of Great Britain. It provides vital information that cannot...

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer offers one of the world’s most detailed, heighted water networks – showing the flow and precise course of every river, stream, lake and canal in Great...

OS MasterMap Topography Layer

OS MasterMap Topography Layer is the most detailed and accurate view of Great Britain's landscape. It includes features representing the manmade and natural environment, including: roads, tracks...

HNS 1415 master dataset

Integrated pre and post 16 HNS funded places academic year data set used to populate the LA High Needs templates to be communicated to LAs at the end of September 2013. The data set will be...

Marine Management Organisation Master Data Register

This catalogue is known as the MMO Master Data Register (MDR) and it currently contains information to support our business and our regulatory and decision-making functions. The MDR is a key...

OS MasterMap Sites Layer

The OS MasterMap Sites Layer shows you the main points of access to key sites such as schools, hospitals and train stations quickly and easily in emergency situations. You can also identify and...

West Hendon Playing Fields - Feasibility Study including the Draft Master Plan

The meeting of the Environment Committee on 14 March 2019 will consider a report on Sports Hubs master planning. The development of three Sports Hubs in Barnet was one of the recommendations of the...

West Hendon Playing Fields – Addendum Report, Consultation Report and Draft Final Master Plan

The meeting of the Environment Committee on 12 March 2020 will consider a report on Sports Hubs master planning. The development of three Sports Hubs in Barnet was one of the recommendations of the...

Master Training Database

Training Record - HMS VANGUARD(P) Training and Electronic Recall

Master Training Log

HMS TURBULENT. Ship's Company Training record for Phase 1, 2, and 3 Officer and Rating trainees.

NAO Master Tracker

Details of National Audit Office information and data samples

HR Master Records Spreadsheets

Staff Information for Monthly MI Reports

HR Master Records Database

Staff Information for MI Reports

Continuing Education Allowance Master Spreadsheets

Details of allowances claimed

Master list for Cadet Force Adult Volunt

Personal Files, A list of personal contact information for all the Adults (schools and other) that volunteer to be officers and help out with CCF/SCC/Sea Scouts.

HNS 1415 Master Working copy 16Jul13

Integrated the 2013 to 2014 academic year pre and post 16 HNS funded places into one data set in order to communicate a baseline to all local authorities for the start of the review of funded HNS...

Emergency Payment Master Listing, Unit Inputs and Journals

Details to ensure correct financial reconciliation

1981 Census - 10% data master file for county nn

Analysis and Extracts

1981 Census - 100% data master file following Postcode Edit for county nn

Historical Data