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3,569 results found

Listed Building

Listed Buildings of 'special architectural or historic interest', and 'Local List' within Wycombe District, polygons

Listed Buildings

Dataset showing Listed Buildings within the Councils administrative area. Areas recorded as polygons and are indicative only. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Listed Buildings

Dataset showing Eastleigh's Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings in the Ribble Valley

Listed Buildings

Properties registered as a listed building

Statutory List

Buildings and structures of special architectural or historic interest that have been placed on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. The statutory body...

Local List

Buildings and structures of special architectural or historic interest that have been placed on the Local List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. The local list is separate...

Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings layer contains the location and description of an object or structure that has been judged to be of national importance in terms of architectural or historic interest and included...

Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings taken from Stroud District Council Development Control

Listed Buildings

Property registered as a Listed Building.

Listed Buildings

North Dorset District Council Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings (LISTB). A listed building can be a house, wall, public building, monument, memorial or any structure that is included on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural...

Listed Buildings

Data contains point data from English Heritage

Listed Buildings

Listed buildings

Listed Buildings

Properties and parks listed within the Bolton area.

Listed Buildings

Dataset shows listed buildings within South Ribble

Listed Buildings

Defined Listed Buildings in South Staffordshire Council; the limit of each area is recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

Listed buildings

Listed buildings within Knowsley Borough Council

Listed Buildings

A Listed Building is one that is of special architectural or historic interest listed by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport on the advice of English Heritage. Buildings are...

listed buildings

Property registered as a Listed Building