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65 results found

2010-2014 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) United Kingdom Shag, Guillemot, Kittiwake and Razorbill distributions

Population-level estimates of species' distributions can reveal fundamental ecological processes and facilitate conservation. However, these may be difficult to obtain for mobile species,...

Freshwater macroinvertebrate community data, stream discharge, and hyporheic fine sediment mass in experimental channels recovering over a four-month period from a prior drought in 2022

[This dataset is embargoed until September 1, 2025]. The 3Rs experimental study investigated how trajectories of recovery following a prolonged drought were affected by the prior sediment...

Motion-activated camera trap images of wildlife from the Red Forest, Chornobyl, Ukraine, 2016-2017

Data comprise a catalogue of motion activated digital trap camera images obtained from cameras located in the Red Forest, Chornobyl (Ukraine) over a period of a year (September 2016 - September...

Semiochemical experiment data, 2005-2009 - RELU Re-bugging the system: promoting adoption of alternative pest management strategies in field crop systems

The semiochemical experiment data were collected from novel laboratory, semi-field- and field-scale bioassay experiments taking behavioural observations and counts of pest insects and their natural...

Flora and fauna data from agricultural land under differing crop and management regimes, 2006-2010 - RELU Effects of scale in organic agriculture

This dataset consists of ecology data from 16 paired field sites; each pair consisting of an organic and conventional farm. A multiscale sampling design was employed to assess the impact of (i)...