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221 results found

Hackney Locally Listed Buildings

Locally Listed Buildings in Hackney. Local listing is a way for the Council to identify local heritage assets and set out what about them is important. The list contains buildings and structures...

Hackney Locally Listed Buildings

Locally Listed Buildings in Hackney. Local listing is a way for the Council to identify local heritage assets and set out what about them is important. The list contains buildings and structures...

Bird survey data from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, 2015-2017

The data contains bird species records from the Vale do Paraíba and Serra do Mar regions in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Bird species were surveyed using point counts between December 2015 and...

Bird survey data from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, 2015-2017

The data contains bird species records from the Vale do Paraíba and Serra do Mar regions in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Bird species were surveyed using point counts between December 2015 and...

Procurement Plan and Pipeline (2022-2024)

Leicester City Council's procurement plan seeks to capture contracts that are anticipated to be procured within the 2022/2024 period.  The plan includes replacement of existing contracts, service...

Planning Applications Decisions - Other Developments, England, District by Outcome

Planning applications decided by district level planning authority and outcome District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary authorities, national...

Planning Applications Decisions - Other Developments, England, District by Development Type

Planning applications decided by district level planning authority and type of development District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary...

Planning Applications Decisions - Major and Minor Developments , England, District by Development Type

Planning applications decided by district level planning authority and type of development District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary...

Planning Applications Decisions - Major and Minor Developments, England, District by Outcome

Planning applications decided by district level planning authority and outcome. District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary authorities, national...

Planning Applications Decisions - All Developments, England, District by Speed of Decision

Planning applications decided by district level planning authority and speed of decision District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary authorities,...

Shoreline Management Plan Mapping

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA196. This dataset identifies which second generation Shoreline Management Plan is applicable to a particular stretch of coastline. It also...

Impact indicator: planning applications granted

The number of planning applications granted as a percentage of all major and minor schemes #### How the figure is calculated: The number of planning applications for major or minor schemes...

Live Births

Live Births registered annually in Lincolnshire and Districts. The figures are shown as a Number and also as a Rate per 1000 women age 15-44 (inclusive), which is called the General Fertility Rate...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C4b, Status of UK priority species - distribution

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C4b, Status of UK priority species - distribution. Priorities for species and habitat conservation are set at a country level...

Special Areas for Conservation (SAC) basic site details

Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive. This dataset is derived from the UK wide data submitted to the EU Commmission in...

Brownfield Land Register

The Brownfield Land Register (BLR) has to be published in a set format as required by the data standard requirement from Central Government. The BLR is divided into two parts (Part 1 and Part 2)....

Bird survey data from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, 2015-2017

The data contains bird species records from the Vale do Paraíba and Serra do Mar regions in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Bird species were surveyed using point counts between December 2015 and...

Lifetime reproductive success and fitness estimates of long-tailed tits in the Rivelin Valley, Sheffield, UK, from 1994-2019

Dataset comprising data on the lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of 879 individually marked long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus, a cooperatively breeding passerine. LRS is measured in terms of...

Earthquake Hypocenters on Montserrat from 1995 to 2018 (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

Earthquake hypocenters for all earthquakes detected on Montserrat by the Montserrat Volcano Observatory seismic network from July 1995 to February 2018 inclusive. Information includes: Origin Time,...

Species point records from 1984 NCC/OPRU Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween is situated on the east side of the Sound of Jura, in south-west Scotland. It opens to the south-west and its mouth is partially protected by the small MacCormaig Isles. The main body of...