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Directors and Board Members' expenses - Food Standards Agency

Details of the business expenses of the FSA's Directors, its Chair and Board members. The Government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so that the public can more easily see...

Department for Work and Pensions Annual Report and Accounts

Report showing how DWP functions as a government department including business plan and reports to show how public money is spent

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500 from Northumberland County Council

Northumberland County Council Supplier Information Northumberland County Council believes transparency is a key condition and driver for the delivery of council services. As a publicly...

Current Issues Note 40: Performance of GLA Economics' employment projections

•GLA Economics has produced long-run projections of London’s employment since 2002. These projections are trend based and set out the long run path of employment considered most likely based on the...

Understanding how the mantle transition-zone 'valve' controls slab fate (NERC grants NE/I024429/1)

This dataset holds the output of all the simulations in the Open Access article - Garel, F., S. Goes, D. R. Davies, J. H. Davies, S. C. Kramer, and C. R. Wilson, Interaction of subducted slabs with...

ELR Sites

This dataset shows the locations of commercial sites considered as part of the Council's Employment Land Review. The Employment Land Review (ELR) is part of the evidence base that will underpin...

GLA 'New Methods' Conference 30th September 2019

Notes and slides from the Conference at City Hall on 30 September 2019 examining the role of new approaches, methods and tools in helping shape public policy and the delivery of public services on...

HMRC Business Plan Indicator and Quarterly Data Summary

Business plan indicators are initial management information to provide an indication of HMRC's performance, and are therefore subject to revision and audit. Final performance figures will be made...

UK Trade and Investment spend

The government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so the public can more easily see how and where taxpayers’ money is being spent and hold politicians, government departments...

OS Select+Build

OS Select+Build is our new download service that gives you access to OS National Geographic Database (NGD) data. With OS Select+Build you can select and download only the data you need from a...

Business Plan - quarterly data summary

A quarterly snapshot on how the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is spending its budget, the results it has achieved and how it is deploying its workforce. It follows commitments made at Budget...

UKTI programme spend

The government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so the public can more easily see how and where taxpayers’ money is being spent and hold politicians, government departments...

OS Open Rivers

OS Open Rivers GIS data contains over 144,000 km of water bodies and watercourses map data. These include freshwater rivers, tidal estuaries and canals. Understand how water bodies and...

Learning from the Neighbourhood Agreements Pathfinder Programme

Underlying data for research paper which sets out several suggestions that will help those interested in developing a Neighbourhood Agreement approach in their local area. In particular it provides...

NI 059 - Initial assessments for children's social care carried out within 7 working days of referral

Initial assessments are an important indicator of how quickly services can respond when a child is thought to be at risk of serious harm. As the assessments involve a range of local agencies, this...

Fleet vehicles fuel consumption

Dataset showing how much fuel each council vehicle has consumed, by year and by fuel type. Dataset guidance ---------------- The following information refers to the columns in the data: * ...

OS Detailed Path Network

OS Detailed Path Network is a fully-connected, heighted path network covering Britain’s National Parks. Create off-road navigation apps, build exciting navigation websites and apps that help your...

Ecosystem Interactions on the Somerset Levels

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Following publication of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment in June 2011, and Defra’s promotion of taking an ecosystems...

Business Plan Quarterly Data Summary (QDS)

On 18 July 2011, HM Treasury published its Business Plan Quarterly Data Summary (QDS). This is designed to provide a quarterly snapshot of how HM Treasury is spending its budget, the results it has...

National Archives Staff Engagement

The Civil Service People Survey involves organisations from across the civil service. A key element of the survey is the 'Employee Engagement Index'. This is a measure of how engaged employees are...