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594 results found

Local Centres

shows boundaries of local shopping areas, largely made up of small parades of shops

Core Office Buildings

showing location of all core council buildings, as defined by Lambeth's Facilities Management team

Lower Marsh CAZ Frontage Boundary

shows boundary of lower marsh shopping area boundary that is within the Central Activities Zone

Lower Marsh CAZ Primary Shopping Area

shows boundary of lower marsh primary shopping area that is within the Central Activities Zone

Thames Policy Area

shows boundary of area where the special historic and architectural character of the Thames will be protected and enhanced

Air Quality Monitoring Sites

showing location of all lambeth council air quality monitoring sites, and which pollutants they monitor

Gypsy And Traveller Site

showing boundaries of sites defined as gipsy and traveller sites on the 2015 lambeth planning proposals map

Key Industrial and Business Areas

showing boundaries of Key Industrial and Business Areas in the borough. Area protected for employment uses (B class)

Tunnel Safeguarding Lines

showing areas that TFL consultation is required on planning applications due to tube tunnels running beneath the site.

Strategic Cultural Area

showing boundary of lambeth portion of london's strategic cultural area, as defined by the London Plan 2004 (produced with GLA)

Major Centre Primary Shopping Area

showing boundary of primary shopping area of major centres as defined in the London Plan; the borough has two - brixton and streatham

District Centre Boundaries

showing boundaries of major centres as defined in the London Plan and Lambeth's Core Strategy; the borough has two - brixton and streatham

Coastal Topographic Surveys

Coastal Topographic Surveys are height transects that form part of the Anglian Coastal Monitoring Programme. A surveyor using a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) staff will make...

Metropolitan Open Land

showing boundaries of areas where this is intended to protect areas of landscape, recreation, nature conservation and scientific interest which are strategically important

Opportunity Area Waterloo

showing boundary of Waterloo opportunity area, where large scale development transforming an area of London is expected, as identified by the London Plan

Long term effects of whole tree harvesting on soil carbon (Falstone 2009)

Kielder (Flastone 7) is the the oldest whole tree harvesting experiments in Europe. The site is currently a 34-year-old second rotation stand of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), in Kielder forest,...

District Centre Primary Shopping Areas

showing boundaries of District Centres as defined in the London Plan and lambeth's Core Strategy;  these are the larger shopping areas such as west norwood or clapham.

Major Centre Boundaries

showing boundaries of Town Centres as defined in the London Plan and lambeth's Core Strategy;  these are the larger shopping areas such as west norwood or clapham.

Opportunity Area VNEB

showing boundary of Vauxhall Nine Elms Opportunity Area (an area shared with Wandsworth where large scale development transforming an area of London is expected, as identified by the...

Global Vegetation Height Frequency Distributions from the ICESAT GLAS instrument produced as part of the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO)

This dataset collection provides global (between 60 S and 80 N) vegetation height (or object height) frequency distributions per half by half degree longitude and latitude derived from ICESAT...