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Spend over £500 in the Government Offices for the Regions

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Government Offices for the regions, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure

Business Population Estimates for the UK and Regions statistics

This publication provides the only official government statistics that attempt to the estimate the total number of UK private sector businesses in the UK and their contribution to employment and...

Crown Prosecution Service Annual Report Data 2009-2010/Regional Expenditure 2010

No description provided

UK companies by R&D investment by region 2010

Scoreboard ranking top 1,000 UK companies by research and development (R&D) investment by region for the UK.

Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Statistics for the Regions 2007

Presents the number of enterprises (businesses) in the UK along with the turnover and employment in these enterprises. Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation: National...

UK greenhouse gas emissions: local authority and regional

The UK produces a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by Local Authority area as a subset of its annual inventory of greenhouse gas emissions. The nationally available data sets begin in 2005....

Natura 2000 site administrative regions

Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive. This series of datasets is derived from the UK wide data submitted to the EU...

Sub-regional public and private sector employee job estimates

The preferred souce of public sector employment data is the ONS National Statistics of Public Sector Employment. This provides employment estimates at national and regional level based on public...

European Regional Development Fund 2007-2013 'MCIS' system

Web-based database of ERDF 2007-2013 claims, payments and irregularities containing data relating to project applicants and grants

Databases of Regional Growth Fund bids, appraisals and monitoring information

Information required to manage the allocation of grant funds and subsequently monitor that the recipients are disbursing according to contractual requirements - Note: monitoring information is...

European Regional Development Fund 2000-2006 'TESA' System

TESA' electronic file system containing details of allocation and management of European Regional Development Fund in England for the period 2000-2006

European Regional Development Fund 2000-2006 Closure Database

This database is an electronic file containing details of potential and confirmed liabilities arising from irregularities in the European Regional Development Fund in England for the period 2000-2006

Charting Progress 2 (CP2) Reporting Regions

The 2010 Charting Progress 2 assessment (UKMMAS 2010) subdivided UK waters into eight regions to assess how human use and other pressures were affecting the productivity of UK seas. Regional...

Administrative Boundaries - Regional Flood and Coastal Committees

RFCCs are committees established by the Environment Agency under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 that brings together members appointed by Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) and...

Quality Indicators of Electricity and Gas Use at Regional and Local Authority Level

Indicators of the quality of the regional electricity and gas datasets. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

High Level Indicators of Energy Use at Regional and Local Authority Level

Indicators of regional energy use compared with a variety of socio-economic variables Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Proportion of Employee Jobs in Selected Industry Sectors by English NUTS Regions

This data details the proportion of employee jobs in selected industry sectors by NUTS areas. Data is on a NUTS1 or NUT2 geographical level, depending on the availability of data at a lower spatial...

Ground Maintenance region

Historic dataset. Has not been accurately updated for approximately 5 years and the accuracy of the data cannot be verified.

Regional CO2 Emissions

Regional C02

Group Tree Region

Locations of surveyed tree groups monitored by Newcastle Borough Council. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence -...