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216 results found


An allotment is a plot of land made available for individual, non-commercial gardening or growing food plants. Such plots are formed by subdividing a piece of land into a few or up to several...

WFD Cycle 2 lake salinity classification

This dataset is a subset of "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" and contains classification data for Salinity in lakes. Salinity is a supporting element and is an ecological factor of considerable...

COLDTREE project data on cold tolerance and dormancy assessments in pine and beech

Summarising, the objectives of the Coldtree project were: To identify novel physiological, and genetic techniques indicative of the onset of winter hardiness and dormancy in woody species and,...

GLA 'New Methods' Conference 30th September 2019

Notes and slides from the Conference at City Hall on 30 September 2019 examining the role of new approaches, methods and tools in helping shape public policy and the delivery of public services on...

Mendip District Council Allotment Sites

Location of Allotment sites within the Mendip District Council local authority area. An allotment may be classed as a small area of land, let out at a nominal yearly rent by local government or...

English Woodland Grant Scheme Sub Compartments

The English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) was launched in 2005 and offered 6 grants for the creation and stewardship of woodlands. This dataset contains the sub-compartments that make up the EWGS...


All organisations hold information about the core of their business. The Forestry Commission holds information on trees and forests. We use this information to help us run our business and make...

National Forest Estate Subcompartments England 2019

All organisations hold information about the core of their business. The Forestry Commission holds information on trees and forests. We use this information to help us run our business and make...

Allotments and Community Gardens

Opportunities for those people who wish to do so to grow their own produce as part of the long-term promotion of sustainability, health and social inclusion. May also include urban farms. This...

Camden Coffee Cup Data

This dataset shows where you can buy a reusable cup, get a discount for using it and other nearby places to recycle single-use cups. This is a community-powered map, hoping to grow the ‘West...

Impact indicator: energy efficiency of new build housing

Average Standard Assessment Procedure energy rating score #### How the figure is calculated: The sum of SAP energy rating scores for each new home for which an energy performance certificate...

State of Calderdale 2018: Reduce inequalities

The State of Calderdale assembly brings together key representatives from the public, private, and voluntary and community sectors. As part of the event, Calderdale Council prepares a data pack to...

State of Calderdale 2018: Build a sustainable future

The State of Calderdale assembly brings together key representatives from the public, private, and voluntary and community sectors. As part of the event, Calderdale Council prepare a data pack to...

2010 Defra MB0106 Scottish Shellfish Species 10km

Location of shellfish farms in Scottish waters, aggregated into 10km squared grid cells. Information contained within each cell: Number of farms and number of farms growing those species

2010 Defra MB0106 Scottish Shellfish Species 10km

Location of shellfish farms in Scottish waters, aggregated into 10km squared grid cells. Information contained within each cell: Number of farms and number of farms growing those species

The Wealth Gap In London

This GLA Intelligence Update takes a brief look at evidence around the wealth gap in London and examines how this has changed in recent years. Key Findings • There is a significant gap between...

Integrated Household Survey

The Integrated Household Survey (IHS) is the largest social survey ever produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The survey is comprised of a core suite of questions from current ONS...

2021 Masski Hicham, Van Den berg Annemarie and Hoekendijk Jeroen Moroccan waters Eschrichtius robustus sighting

This ad hoc sighting of a Gray whale is the third ever record within Moroccan waters. The whale species identified in Moroccan waters (Masski and De Stephanis 2015) differ from the Gray whale, so...

2021 Masski Hicham, Van Den berg Annemarie and Hoekendijk Jeroen Moroccan waters Eschrichtius robustus sighting

This ad hoc sighting of a Gray whale is the third ever record within Moroccan waters. The whale species identified in Moroccan waters (Masski and De Stephanis 2015) differ from the Gray whale, so...

Focus on London - Housing

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2011: **HOUSING**:A**GROWING**CITY With the highest average incomes in the country but the least space to grow, demand for housing in London has long outstripped supply,...