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Life expectancy - current figures

Life expectancy and disability free years statistics

European Quality of Life Survey

The European Quality of Life survey (EQLS) examines both the objective circumstances of European citizens' lives, and how they feel about those circumstances, and their lives in general. It looks...

Review of the tax arrangements of public sector appointees

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander announced in January 2012 that the Government would hold a review into the tax arrangements of public sector appointees. The results of this Review,...

2015 Alderney Wildlife Trust (AWT) intertidal strandline survey

The intertidal strandline survey aims to record marine life within the intertidal envrionments. This survey is conducted within the intertidal environments of Alderney, Channel Islands. The...

2015 Alderney Wildlife Trust (AWT) intertidal strandline survey

The intertidal strandline survey aims to record marine life within the intertidal envrionments. This survey is conducted within the intertidal environments of Alderney, Channel Islands. The...

Community Life Survey - London summary

The Community Life survey is a household self-completion survey of adults aged 16+ in England. The survey provides evidence on social cohesion, community engagement and social action. This report...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Life Satisfaction', percentage of responses in range 0-6

Percentage of responses in range 0-6 out of 10 (corresponding to 'low wellbeing') for 'Life Satisfaction' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National...

DCLG DATA4NR: Wounding or other act endangering life: Recorded offences

Notifiable offences recorded by the police: Wounding or other act endangering life. Data4NR reference

Health & Wellbeing at Work - survey of employers 2010 (Quality of Working Life)

Telephone survey in 2010 of 2,250 employers in Great Britain (anonymised data). This survey develops the evidence base and explores the links between health and work, as well as providing baseline...

Health & Wellbeing at Work - survey of employees 2010 (Quality of Working Life)

Telephone survey of 2,019 employees in GB carried out in 2009 examining health and wellbeing at work (individual level anonymised...

Years of Life Lost (YLL): Land transport accidents

Years of Life Lost (YLL) as a result of death from land transport accidents. Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher:...

Years of Life Lost (YLL): Infectious and parasitic disease

Years of Life Lost (YLL) as a result of death from infectious and parasitic disease . Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics...

Years of Life Lost (YLL): Chronic renal failure

Years of Life Lost (YLL) as a result of death from chronic renal failure. Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher:...

Health-related quality of life for carers (NHSOF 2.4)

This indicator measures health-related quality of life for people who identify themselves as helping or supporting family members, friends, neighbours or others with their long-term physical or...

Tax arrangements of public sector appointees

This is a list of Ofsted’s off-payroll engagements worth more than £58,200 per annum. For further information go to Review of the tax arrangements of public sector appointees on the Treasury website.

Skills for Life in England

Annually updated data for Skills for Life Qualifications in England. The data shows participation and achievement figures broken down by Age, Level, Provider Type, Geography and Learner...

Healthy Life Expectancy

This publication updates and expands upon the first estimates of HLE for Scotland produced by ISD and others. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation:...

Life Expectancy in Scotland

Life expectancy for administrative areas within Scotland. Source agency: National Records of Scotland Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Life Expectancy in...

End of Life Vehicles

End of Life Vehicles: Records of information supplied by vehicle producers and of enforcement visits. Contact names and addresses. Records relating to the criminal justice system.

Interim Life Tables

Interim life tables, which are produced annually for the UK and its constituent countries, give statistics on period life expectancy by age and sex. Source agency: Office for National...