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229 results found

Number of quarterly minor residential planning decisions granted

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Number of quarterly major residential planning decisions granted

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Number of annual minor residential planning decisions granted

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Hygiene Inspections and Populations at Egg Production Sites in England and Wales

The Animal and Plant Health Agency carry out egg hygiene inspections on behalf of the Food Standards Agency to ensure compliance with hygiene and safety regulations at hen egg producing...

2010 Development Restricted Areas and Enforcement Authorities around Shetland

Jurisidctional boundaries of harbours and small ports, policy restrictions to industry expansion, and privately owned marinas were mapped by the Scottish Sustainable Marine Environment Initiative...

Child Support Agency Quarterly Summary of Statistics

Statistics from the Child Support Agency. Source agency: DWP / Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: CSA; QSS

Control of Immigration: Quarterly statistics

Quarterly statistics relating to information on border control and visas, asylum, managed migration, and enforcement and compliance. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National...

Control of Immigration: Annual statistics

Annual statistics relating to information on border control and visas, asylum, managed migration, and enforcement and compliance. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National...

Control of Immigration: Statistics United Kingdom

Annual statistics relating to information on border control and visas, asylum, managed migration, and enforcement and compliance. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National...

Control of Immigration: Quarterly Statistical Summary, United Kingdom

Quarterly statistics relating to information on border control and visas, asylum, managed migration, and enforcement and compliance. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National...

Quarterly Update of Key Statistics for the Driver and Vehicle Agency

This is a quarterly update of information on the Testing, Licensing and Enforcement / Compliance activities of the Driver and Vehicle Agency. Source agency: Environment (Northern...

Control of immigration statistics United Kingdom

Quarterly and annual statistics relating to information on border control and visas, asylum, managed migration, and enforcement and compliance. A new format for these statistics was introduced from...

An assessment of the Tackling Knives and Serious Youth Violence Action Programme (TKAP) – Phase ll

The Tackling Knives and Serious Youth Violence Action Programme (TKAP) ran from April 2009 to March 2010 and aimed to reduce all serious violence involving 13- to 24-year-olds using a range of...

Seizures of Drugs in England and Wales

Presents figures for drug seizures made by law enforcement agencies in England and Wales. The statistics relate to all drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (MDA), which divides drugs...

Mortgage and landlord possession statistics, England and Wales

The quarterly releases present statistics on possession actions issued in county courts by mortgage lenders and social and private landlords in England and Wales. Note that the figures represent...

CasPER (OSPT Case management system)

Casper is a database containing the names addresses and personal  details of clients and all parties in cases where the Official Solicitor and the Public Trustee are appointed. Case details are...

Child Maintenance Debt Management

These are systems in which support the collection of child maintenance arrears, debt enforcement activity and/or offences against Child Maintenance legislation. Investigations - where an...

Injuries at work by employment status

Injuries to employees, self employed and members of the public as reported to all enforcing authorities, by county and Local Authority Source: Health and; Safety Executive (HSE) Publisher: Health...

NI 184 - Food establishments in the area which are broadly compliant with food hygiene law

The percentage of food establishments within the local authority area which are broadly compliant with food law. Broadly Compliant is an outcome measure which the FSA has developed, with local...

Overland Flow Pathways

The Most Probable Overland Flow Pathway dataset is a polyline GIS vector dataset that describes the likely flow routes of water along with potential accumulations of diffuse pollution and soil...