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Sustainable Transport Strategy - Resource Library

Barnet is in the process of developing a transport strategy to understand and improve the way individuals travel across the borough.   With population expected to reach 400,000 by 2020 Barnet is...

London Health Inequalities Strategy Indicators

The [Mayors Health Inequalities Strategy]( sets out his plans to tackle unfair differences in health to make London a...

Sustainable Transport Strategy - Walking & Cycling

This forms part of the Sustainable Transport Strategy Resource Library, please click here for more information. Where possible, cycling and walking is increasingly encouraged. Not only does it...

Draft Playing Pitch Strategy 2017

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...

BEIS Departmental Spending over £25,000

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) publishes details of all departmental spending over £25,000 on a monthly basis. BEIS has chosen to publish all departmental spend...

Parliamentary Questions Register

A list of questions raised by MPs on the Technology Strategy Board (TSB). This identifies the MP making the question, the question asked and the workflow event dates in the creation of responses...

BEIS: special advisers' gifts, hospitality and meetings

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) publishes details of meetings between special advisers and the media, senior executives and other external parties on a quarterly...

BEIS spending over £500 - also known as ePCS (electronic purchasing card solution or GPC (government payment card)

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) publishes details of all spending over £500 using using an electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS) on a monthly basis. The ePCS has...

BEIS Information Asset Register

The information asset register is a list of personal and non-personal information assets held by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Some assets have been...

Record level data on cashback scheme, including payments committed, measures applied for etc.

To monitor the take-up, effectiveness and to model future rounds of the incentives scheme.

Northern Ireland Road Safety Strategy to 2020 – Monitoring of Targets and Key Performance Indicators

This is a annual update monitoring the targets and key performance indicators set out in the Northern Ireland Road Safety Strategy to 2020. Source agency: Environment (Northern...

Organic Statistics Database: Access database on Anaerobic digestion strategy (ADS) applications/payments

The Organics Statistics (Access) database holds information on organic operators in the UK including the names and addresses of producers, processors, importers and statistical information relating...

BEIS annual reports and accounts

This series brings together the annual reports and accounts for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The reports review the department’s activities over the course...

BEIS Prompt Payment Data

These datasets represent the percentage of invoices paid by the Department within 5 and 30 days of receipt. The data is shown in yearly quarters as required by Public Contracts Regulation...

Forestry and Woodland Strategies - Scotland

These strategies are a requirement that has now been added into the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act. ...

Technical assessment boundaries behind the abstraction licensing strategies Cycle 2

The technical assessment boundaries are used to define which water resource demands fall into each technical assessment. They are used to look at the balance between society, the economy and the...

The effect of VAT on household disposable income

This article examines the effect of VAT on average disposable income for both low income and high income households. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

The effects of taxes and benefits on household income

Examines how taxes and benefits redistribute income between various groups of households in the UK. The study shows where different types of households and individuals are in the income...

Effect of ozone on modern clover cultivars

Data includes impacts on root nodule biomass, stomatal conductance, injury rates, and N-fixation in the white clover cultivar (T. repens cv. crusader). An ozone-exposure experiment was conducted in...

Feed in Tariff Community and School Applications’ Statistics

Count and installed capacity of community and school installations applying for accreditation under the Feed-in Tariff scheme. Release discontinued from April 2018. Source agency: Business, Energy...