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149 results found

Biodiversity and environmental conditions along public walking routes in three UK towns (Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes), 2014

The data describe a set of field surveys to assess conditions along public walking routes. A spectrum of urban forms was identified in the towns of Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes, in the UK. A...

Benthic Genera Presence and Absence in the North Sea from 1990 to 2011

Distribution data for benthic genera in the North Sea, covering a 22-year timespan from 1990 to 2011. This data accompanies the manuscript “Capturing threshold responses of marine benthos along...

Benthic Genera Presence and Absence in the North Sea from 1990 to 2011

Distribution data for benthic genera in the North Sea, covering a 22-year timespan from 1990 to 2011. This data accompanies the manuscript “Capturing threshold responses of marine benthos along...

Geographic Variations in Health (DS No.16)

This volume builds on the tradition of undertaking in-depth analyses of mortality by area in decennial supplements to annual statistical publications. It covers the 1990s and, for the first time,...

2010 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Loch Gairloch seabed camera survey

The purpose of this benthic survey in Loch Gairloch was to supplement the coverage in the area with photographs. The survey was designed to test gear during a MSS cruise and to collect some...

2010 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Loch Gairloch seabed camera survey

The purpose of this benthic survey in Loch Gairloch was to supplement the coverage in the area with photographs. The survey was designed to test gear during a MSS cruise and to collect some...

Woodland Dedications

The Dedication woodland Scheme (Basis I and II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III was...

Countryside Survey Environmental Zones View Service

This view service displays Environmental Zones which are aggregations of ITE Land Classes; these classes are derived from repeatable multivariate analysis of environmental data collected for each 1...

2014 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Kentra Bay, Lochaber Site Condition Monitoring survey of intertidal sediment flats

The main purpose of this 2014 study was to continue site condition monitoring of the intertidal features of the Kentra Bay and Moss SSSI, following the inauguration of monitoring in 2003, to...

2014 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Kentra Bay, Lochaber Site Condition Monitoring survey of intertidal sediment flats

The main purpose of this 2014 study was to continue site condition monitoring of the intertidal features of the Kentra Bay and Moss SSSI, following the inauguration of monitoring in 2003, to...

London's Economy Today

The most up-to-date information on London's economy, published by email every month. Each issue includes an overview of current economic conditions, the latest indicators and a supplement on a...

Datasets containing multiple diversity metrics of planktonic foraminifera (NERC grant NE/I00551X/1)

Two datasets containing multiple diversity metrics of planktonic foraminifera. Recent data is from MARGO (Multiproxy approach for the reconstruction of the glacial ocean surface); Eocene data is...

Times, locations, families, and durations of earthquakes identified near Parkfield, California, USA 2020 - 2022

This catalogue contains the times, locations, families, and durations of earthquakes identified near Parkfield, California, USA. Collected over the period of 2020 – 2022. The methodology used to...

Countryside Survey Environmental Zones

The Environmental Zones are aggregations of ITE Land Classes; these classes are derived from repeatable multivariate analysis of environmental data collected for each 1 km square in the country....

Species point records from 1986-87 OPRU/MNCR Shetland, Foula and Fair Isle survey

The Shetland Islands are Britain's most northerly extremity and have a long, complex coastline with numerous islands, sheltered inlets and tide-swept channels. They lie at the confluence of the...

Habitat point records from 1986-87 OPRU/MNCR Shetland, Foula and Fair Isle survey

The Shetland Islands are Britain's most northerly extremity and have a long, complex coastline with numerous islands, sheltered inlets and tide-swept channels. They lie at the confluence of the...

Headwater stream invertebrate data 2007 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of invertebrate species records, sampled from headwater streams during a survey in 2007. Macro-invertebrates were sampled using standard protocols. The sample area in each...

Characteristics of Pupils Living in London

The GLA provides roll projections to 25 London boroughs, and has now produced pilot pan-London roll projections. These are supplemented by two sets of EXCEL files, reflecting conclusions in earlier...

Headwater stream invertebrate data 1998 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of invertebrate species records, sampled from headwater streams during a survey in 1998. Macro-invertebrates were sampled using standard protocols. The sample area in each...

Headwater stream invertebrate data 1990 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of invertebrate species records, sampled from headwater streams during a survey in 1990. Macro-invertebrates were sampled using standard protocols. The sample area in each...