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104 results found

Wood specific gravity for trees in Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Data comprise wood specific gravity (WSG) and density at 12% moisture content (D12) in wood cores sampled from trees in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor,...

Traits data from juvenile trees exposed to a 50% reduction in canopy throughfall at the Caxiuan drought experiment, Brazil, 2017

A data set consisting of seventeen functional traits collected on 43 saplings from a Control and 33 saplings from a long-term drought experiment site in a tropical rainforest in NE Amazonia,...

Stem and soil respiration in fertilised plots in the Central Amazon, 2017-2019

The dataset contains stem respiration (ppm) of 320 trees with DBH (Diameter at breast height) > 26 cm, measured with the EGM-4 (Environmental Gas Monitor for CO2). Data were collected on October...

Raw output data of axisymmetric rock deformation experiments on neighbourite (NERC grant NE/L007363/1)

Data files have .dat extension and can be opened with Notepad or any basic text editor software. Each file contains details of sample name, dimensions (length and diameter). All deformed samples...

UKGEOS Cheshire - TH0424 Final Borehole Information Pack

The final borehole information pack from the TH0424 Ground Investigation Borehole drilled as part of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Cheshire facility. TH0424 was drilled to TD of 101 m...

Wood specific gravity for trees in Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar v2

Data comprise wood specific gravity (WSG) and density at 12% moisture content (D12) in wood cores sampled from trees in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, the remains of the evergreen forest...

Sedimentological data from the Limpopo River Basin dams, southern Africa, 2018-2021

The data set contains grain size distributions, organic matter (OM) content and trace metal distribution (including Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr and Pb) of 37 shallow cores of sediments sampled from dams across...

Soil aggregate stability data from arable and grassland in Countryside Survey, Great Britain 2007

This dataset consists of Particle Size Distribution (PSD) measurements made on 419 archived topsoil samples and derived aggregate stability metrics from arable and grassland habitats across Great...

CLiP Vanuatu Microplastics in water 2018

This dataset contains 2 csv files. One file contains data on microplastic abundance expressed in number of particles from 12 transects in Port Vila Bay and Mele Bay in Efate Island (Vanuatu) in...

UKGEOS Glasgow GGC01 Intermediate Borehole Information Pack - Part Two

The borehole information pack from borehole GGC01, site 10 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This intermediate data release pack from BGS contains core scan optical and...

Rates of fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, phenol oxidation and potential denitrification in sand and gravel sediments from an agriculturally-impacted stream

The dataset contains measurements of fluorescein, dopachrome and nitrous oxide production from incubation experiments of streambed sediments. The sediments were collected in five pseudo-replicates...

Malaysian tropical heath forest growth and chemistry after fertilisation, 2016-2018

The dataset consists of tree diameter at breast height (DBH) of all trees > 1 cm DBH in 16 parcels of 15 m x 15 m in the tropical heath forest of the Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve (Sabah,...

Tree census and above ground biomass variation in permanent forest monitoring plots along altitudinal and forest perturbation gradients in the Colombian Andes, 2017-2020

[This dataset is embargoed until May 1, 2025]. The data were collected between 2017 and 2020 from 27 forest monitoring plots (0.5 ha each) in five locations along an altitudinal (lowland,...

UKGEOS Cheshire - BHA-101 Initial Borehole Information Pack

This data pack contains information from geotechnical and contaminated land investigations carried out at potential sites for the development of the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Cheshire. Following...

UKGEOS Glasgow GGC01 Intermediate Borehole Information Pack - Part One

The borehole information pack from borehole GGC01, site 10 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This intermediate data release pack from BGS contains sedimentology,...

Post-drought forest inventory and tree canopy health data, Rhӧn Biosphere Reserve, Germany, 2021

This dataset comprises forest inventory (diameter at breast height, tree height, social class and relative crown distance) and tree canopy health data (extent of overall damage, discolouration and...

Fine root nutrient concentration in fertilised plots in the Central Amazon, 2018

The data consists of carbon, micro and macro nutrient concentrations in fine roots (<2mm diameter) in old growth forests in Central Amazon. Fine roots younger than three months were sampled...

Seedlings growth in a fertilized forest in Central Amazonia (2019 – 2020)

Data are presented showing seedling height, diameter at ground height (DGH), total number of leaves, number of leaves with herbivory damage and leaf mortality, from a plot based fertilisation...

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) woodland vegetation data: 1993-2014

Woodland vegetation data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. These data are collected at all of ECN's terrestrial sites using a standard protocol (see Supporting...

Environmental Change Network (ECN) Wytham deer exclosure experiment: 1997-2008

The Environmental Change Network (ECN) coarse-grain and woodland protocols were used to assess the vegetation within the deer exclosure plots at the ECN Wytham site. In the ECN coarse-grain...