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Completion of cardiac rehabilitation following an admission for coronary heart disease (CCGOIS 1.3)

Proportion of referrals to a cardiac rehabilitation programme that were recorded as completed within 365 days of the start of an associated hospital admission, expressed as a percentage with 95%...

FCERM Capital Programme Homes Better Protected - Completed and Delivered Projects 2015-2021

Projects that have either completed or are still in construction but have delivered home better protected from 1/4/15 to 31/3/2021 Only point data based on a single NGR for each project. As...

% of Urgent Gas Repairs completed within Government Timescales

% of Urgent Gas Repairs completed within Government Timescales *This indicator has been discontinued

Retail and Town Centre Uses Completions 2002-2016

Town centre uses completions by district and use class in Cambridgeshire 2002-2016. Shows Retail (A1), B1a (Office), A2 (Professional and Financial Services) and D2 (Leisure). Amount of floorspace...

Cambridgeshire Retail and Town Centre Uses Completions 2017

Amount of completed Retail floorspace (sq.m.) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2016/17. Broken down into four development use classes; A1, A2, B1a and D2. Worksheet includes data by district,...

OT/OTA assessments - to be completed within 28 days

OT/OTA assessments - to be completed within 28 days *This indicator has been discontinued.

Reablement - assessments to be completed within 6 weeks of referral

Reablement - assessments to be completed within 6 weeks of referral *This indicator has been discontinued.

Residential completions v London Plan 2021 target

No description provided

Applications completed by County 2020-2021

This dataset shows applications for registration competed sorted by county. It should be noted that many applications span county boundaries therefore a single application spanning two counties...

Applications completed by County 2019-2020

This dataset shows applications for registration competed sorted by county. It should be noted that many applications span county boundaries therefore a single application spanning two counties...

Northern Ireland New Dwelling Completions

The tables are based on data collected by NI Building Control offices within each council. The tables are updated quarterly.

Peatland ACTION Completed restoration footprints

Completed restoration projects footprint in PeatlandAction refers to the geographic extent of peatland restoration projects that have been completed. These footprints are represented as polygons on...

National affordable housing completions, 1991/92 to 2014/15

These files provide the number of affordable homes completed each year, by district, as published in CLG Table 1008, for the whole of England, showing the number of affordable homes completed each...

East Devon Spend over £500 - Complete financial years

No description provided

All purchase orders over £5000 Complete financial years

No description provided

Land Registry applications completed 2020-2021

This dataset shows the number of applications for registration completed by LPS Registrations (Northern Ireland) - specifically Land Registry in the financial year 2020-2021. Data is sorted by the...

Land Registry applications completed 2019-2020

This dataset shows the number of applications for registration completed by LPS Registrations (Northern Ireland) - specifically Land Registry in the financial year 2019-2020. Data is sorted by the...

Crop Map of England (CROME) 2017 - Complete

The Crop Map of England (CROME) is a polygon vector dataset mainly containing the crop types of England. The dataset contains approximately 32 million hexagonal cells classifying England into over...

Crop Map of England (CROME) 2016 - Complete

The Crop Map of England (CROME) Complete is a polygon vector dataset mainly containing the crop types of England. The dataset contains approximately 32 million hexagonal cells classifying England...

People with serious mental illness (SMI) who have received the complete list of physical checks (CCGOIS 1.12)

The percentage of people with SMI, identified on GP systems, who have received the complete list of physical checks. Current version updated: Mar-16 Next version due: TBC