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CGG Digital Well Logs

The NSTA has recently purchased digital well data from CGG for an additional 2235 E&A wells. These have been selected from across the UKCS to complement the existing joined digital well logs...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Spend Over 250 - Financial Year 2021 to 2022

We have published items of spending over £500 since April 2010 and items of spending over £250 from June 2012.The list includes payments for:Goods and servicesGrants to third party providers and...

Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2017) Names and Codes in EN (V3)

This file contains names and codes for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) in England as at 1 April 2017. This version 3 of the lookup supersedes the previous version of the same name and...

Regions (December 2017) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains the names and codes for regions (former GORs) in England as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names - RGN17CD, RGN17NM, RGN17NMWField Types - Text, Text, TextField...

Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies (December 2017) Names and Codes in SC

This file contains the names and codes for the Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies in Scotland as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names - SPC17CD, SPC17NMField Types - Text,...

UKCS Structural and Tectonic Elements Database

This structural and tectonics database has been purchased from Getech by the NSTA for publication. It is based on mapping using gravity and magnetic datasets, remote sensing data, geology maps,...

Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (December 2017) Names and Codes in the UK

This file contains the names and codes for Westminster parliamentary constituencies in the United Kingdom as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 72 KB) Field Names - PCON17CD, PCON17NMField Types -...

Scottish Parliamentary Regions (December 2017) Names and Codes in SC

This file contains the names and codes for the Scottish Parliamentary Regions in Scotland as at  31 December 2017.  (File Size - 9 KB)Field Names - SPR17CD, SPR17NMField Types - Text, TextField...

National Assembly for Wales Constituencies (December 2017) Names and Codes in WA

This file contains the names and codes for National Assembly for Wales Constituencies in Wales as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names - NAWC17CD, NAWC17NMField Types - Text,...

Metropolitan Counties (December 2017) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains the names and codes for the metropolitan counties in England as at 31 December 2017. (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names - MCTY17CD, MCTY17NMField Types - Text, TextField Lengths - 9,...

Community Safety Partnerships (December 2017) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains names and codes for community safety partnerships (CSP) in England as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 40KB)Field Names - CSP17CD, CSP17NMField Types - Text, TextField Lengths...

Wards (December 2018) Names and Codes in the UK

This file contains the names and codes for electoral wards/divisions in the United Kingdom as at 31st December 2018.  (File Size - 784 KB) Field Names - WD18CD, WD18NM, WD18N MWField Types - Text,...

UKCS Petroleum Systems Project: Year 1

The deliverables from the first year of the UKCS Petroleum Systems Project are being released in support of the 32nd Licensing Round. This initial year was carried out in collaboration with Lloyd’s...

Public Toilet Locations in Causeway Coast and Glens

Location of all Public Toilets within Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Area.The Estates Service is responsible for the operation and upkeep of public conveniences.  These facilities can be...

Public Toilet Locations in Causeway Coast and Glens

Location of all Public Toilets within Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Area.The Estates Service is responsible for the operation and upkeep of public conveniences.  These facilities can be...

Local Health Boards (December 2017) Names and Codes in WA

This file contains the names and codes for local health boards in Wales as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names - LHB17CD, LHB17NM, LHB17NMWField Types - Text, Text, TextField...

National Assembly for Wales Electoral Regions (December 2017) Names and Codes in WA

This file contains the names and codes for National Assembly for Wales electoral regions in Wales as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names - NAWER17CD, NAWER17NM, NAWER17NMWField...

Public Health England Regions (December 2017) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains the Public Health England Regions in England as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names - PHEREG17CD, PHEREG17CDH, PHEREG17NMField Types - Text, Text, TextField...

Public Health England Centres (December 2017) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains the names and codes for Public Health England Centres in England as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field Names - PHEC17CD, PHEC17CDH, PHEC17NMField Types - Text, Text,...

Wards (December 2017) Names and Codes in the UK

This file contains the names and codes for electoral wards/divisions in the United Kingdom as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 816 KB)Field Names - WD17CD, WD17NM, WD17NMWField Types - Text,...