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An index of borehole materials held by BGS from the Bowland Hodder geological unit

The dataset is a subset of the BGS borehole material database, created on August 1st 2015 covering only the Bowland-Hodder geological unit (as defined and mapped by Andrews et al., 2013). It shows...

NHS Contraceptive Services, England

This annual report primarily presents information on Sexual and Reproductive Health services (family planning clinics and clinics run by voluntary organisations such as Brook) in England. It...

Households Below Average Income dataset

Households Below Average Income anonymised UK Data Archive End User Licence. The data is used to produce the latest annual estimates of the percentage of children, working-age adults and pensioners...

NDPB membership application papers (BTPA only)

Non Departmental Public Bodies (NDPB) applications and associated material relating to public appointments to the division's NDPB, including personal information needing protection

Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic Activity Dataset - GUMCAD

Surveillance of STIs among those accessing level 2 and level 3 sexual health services in England

National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression Core Audit

National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression Core Audit. Data collected between June and September 2018 and aggregated by Mental Health Trusts in England. The scope of the audit was to look at...

Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2021) EN BFE

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England as at April 2021.The boundaries available are:(BFE) Full resolution - extent of the realm (usually this...

Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2021) EN BSC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England as at April 2021.The boundaries available are: (BSC) Super Generalised (100m) - clipped to the...

Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2021) EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England as at April 2021. The boundaries available are: (BFC) Full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean...

Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2021) EN BUC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England as at April 2021.The boundaries available are:(BUC) Ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to the coastline...

Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2021) EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England as at April 2021.The boundaries available are: (BGC) Generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean...

Defence Patient Tracking System

The Defence Patient Tracking System (DPTS) monitors the progress of Armed Forces patients undergoing specialist treatment, to ensure that their care is delivered promptly and coherently, and to...


Ringtail operated by Nabarro: Provides web based document review and management. This includes both personal data and historic archive material relating to British coal operations and procedures.

Magnesium isotope compositions of Solar system materials (NERC grant NE/L007428/1)

The data are magnesium (Mg) isotope composition, i.e. the relative difference of isotope ratios as defined in Coplen (2011, doi: 10.1002/rcm.5129). The reference was DSM-3 (see Galy et al., 2003,...

Story of the Prison Population

Presentation slides by the Ministry of Justice on prison population trends from 1993 to 2012. Source agency: Justice Designation: Supporting material Language: English Alternative title: Story...

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Activity, England

Non-disclosive dataset of activity taking place in the community at dedicated Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services, including activity at non NHS service providers where available. SRH...

Thermal and microwave paleointensity data measured at the University of Liverpool on natural clinkers from Montana, USA, vitrified fort and volcanic material from Scotland, and volcanic material from the Yandiniling Dike Swarm, Australia

All paleointensity data gathered from the project at University of Liverpool. The data is divided into multiple four letter coded sections which refer to a specific locality and/or experiment type....

Changes to Regional and Economic Performance Indicators 2011

This paper announces and explains changes to the Regional and Economic Performances Indicators release to be published on 24 May 2011 Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation:...

Improved methodology for producing estimates of adult educational attainment from Labour Force Survey data

A final report on statistical research into measuring adult educational attainment using the Labour Force Survey. Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation: Supporting...

Sustainable Development Indicators

The Sustainable Development Indicators are now being published by the ONS Launch of a consultation on a new set of sustainable development indicators Source agency: Environment, Food and...