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592 results found

Child Well Being Index

The Child Well-being Index (CWI) is produced at Lower Super Output Area level (LSOAs) and is made up of seven domains. This data originates from Communities and Local Government, Local Index of...

Child Overweight and Obesity Profile

This public health intelligence profile describes the trends and patterns in child obesity and overweight (age 0-18 years) in Camden.

Number of Child Complaints received

Number of Child Complaints received

% of Child Complaints responded to 'In Time'

% of Child Complaints responded to 'In Time'

% of Child Complaints: Upheld in Full

% of Child Complaints: Upheld in Full

Train to Gain Success Rates in England

Success rates for Train to Gain and Other Employer-Based training in England with breakdowns by geography, demographics, and subject area. Train to Gain is learning that is enabled, sponsored, or...

NHS Dental Statistics for England: Child Patients Seen

NHS dental statistics for England, child patient seen, by age, aggregated to CCG level. The patients seen measure shows the number of patients who received NHS dental care in the previous 24...

Child Support Agency (CSA): Non resident parent and case compliance

Child Support Agency (CSA): Non-resident parent and case compliance Source: Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission Publisher: Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission Geographies:...

Child Support Agency (CSA): Children or person with care receiving CSA

Child Support Agency (CSA): Children or person with care receiving CSA Source: Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission Publisher: Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission Geographies:...

NI 064 - Child protection plans lasting 2 years or more

The indicator measures the number of children who had been the subject of a Child Protection Plan continuously for two years or longer against the number of children ceasing to be the subject of a...

NI 051 Effectiveness of child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) services

Work in Progress!!!!! Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: County/Unitary Authority, Government Office Region (GOR),...

NI 064 - Child protection plans lasting 2 years or more

The indicator measures the number of children who had been the subject of a Child Protection Plan continuously for two years or longer against the number of children ceasing to be the subject of a...

NI 051 - Effectiveness of child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) services

Work is underway to develop an outcome measure for CAMHs from 2009 onwards. Please refer to the indicator template for further information. Good performance is typified by higher numbers.

Child Well-being Index (CWI) 2009: Living Environment domain

The Environment Domain captures aspects of the environment that affect children's physical well-being (health, exercise and safe, independent mobility). Indicators of the potential of the natural...

Child Well-being Index (CWI) 2009: Health and disability domain

This domain focuses on illness, accidents and disability, as represented by the use of health services and the uptake of disability benefits Source: Communities and Local Government...

Child Well-being Index (CWI) 2009: Children in need domain

This domain is about children who are in various kinds of need. The Children in Need Survey (2005) (CiN), from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, provides information on all the...

Building on success: increasing higher education retention in London

**The GLA commissioned the Social Market Foundation to look at the reasons behind the non-continuation (drop-out) rate of undergraduates studying at London’s higher education institutions.** This...

Successful quitters at 4 weeks per 100,000 smokers

Successful quitters at 4 weeks per 100,000 smokers

Child Health Profiles

Child Health Profiles provide a snapshot of child health and well-being for each local authority in England using key health indicators, which enable comparison locally, regionally and nationally....

Child and Working Tax Credit (CTC) and (WTC) and children in out of work household geographical analysis for Local Authorities

This data provides bi-annual analysis of the number of children and families receiving Child Tax Credit (CTC) or working Tax Credit (WTC) and whether they are in out of work households. This data...