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Sick absence quarterly information

Sick absence information reported quarterly to Cabinet Office (one quarter in arrears). Includes breakdown of sick absence by long and short term sick, cost of sick, staff employed during the...

Home Office workforce diversity and attendance management information

This data shows the departmental workforce diversity and attendance management information for civil servants employed in the Home Office (including its executive agencies but excluding executive...

Decisions of the council

The most recent 15 decisions made by the Cabinet, an individual Member of the Cabinet, a Committee of the Cabinet, or under joint arrangements.

NI 150 Adults receiving secondary mental health services in employment

Mentally ill adults: Adults aged 18+ in contact with secondary mental health services (SMHS) who are on the Care Programme Approach (CPA) helped into employment Source: Cabinet Office...

NI 145 Adults with learning disabilities in settled accommodation

Adults with learning disabilities: All adults aged 18+ with learning disabilities that are known to Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) helped into settled...

Department for Transport senior officials hospitality

In line with Cabinet Office guidance, the Department publishes the business expenses of and hospitality received by its most senior officials (the Permanent Secretary, Directors General and...

Department for Transport senior officials business expenses

In line with Cabinet Office guidance, the Department publishes the business expenses of and hospitality received by its most senior officials (the Permanent Secretary, Directors General and...

HM Treasury Government Procurement Card spend greater than £500

In May 2010 the Coalition Government set up new standards for Transparency in Government. The Minister for the Cabinet Office has since committed Government to publishing procurement card spending...

HMRC Business Plan Indicator and Quarterly Data Summary

Business plan indicators are initial management information to provide an indication of HMRC's performance, and are therefore subject to revision and audit. Final performance figures will be made...

Publication of senior officials' business expenses, hospitality and meetings with external organisations

In June 2009, the Cabinet Secretary announced that business expenses incurred by the most senior civil servants on official duty would be published for the first time. The move reflected the...

DSIT: spend control data

This dataset is also known as Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend or exceptions to spending controls. Files previously released list items of spend that have been allowed via the...

DESNZ: spend control data

This dataset is also known as Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend or exceptions to spending controls. Files previously released list items of spend that have been allowed via the...

NI 149 Adults receiving secondary mental health services in settled accommodation

Mentally ill adults: Adults aged 18+ in contact with secondary mental health services (SMHS) who are on the Care Programme Approach (CPA) helped into settled accommodation Source: Cabinet Office...

Department of Transport Information Asset Register

The department’s Information Asset Register (IAR) is a table of information relating to the important datasets that the department is responsible for. These information assets are managed in line...

BEIS: spend control data

This dataset is also known as Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend or exceptions to spending controls. From Q2 (Finance year 2020-21) BEIS will only publish a single csv format file...

Delegated Decisions

Decisions taken by Cabinet members or Officers on behalf of the Council

Register of data registers

Registers maintained by HM Government Provided by: Cabinet Office

Ministry of Justice Spending Approvals

All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement Advertising and Marketing campaigns that require Cabinet...

Ministry of Justice Spending Approvals

All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement Advertising and Marketing campaigns that require Cabinet...

Budget monitoring

Budget monitoring reports are submitted to Cabinet meetings every month and provide Councillors with an update on any significant budget issues within the service areas.