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71 results found

Government Transactional Services

The government's transactional services range from booking driving tests and filing tax returns, to applying for a fishing rod licence and setting up a company: all services managed by public...

Waste Carriers, Brokers and Dealers

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA159. This dataset contains details of currently permitted waste carriers, brokers and dealers. Lower tier registrations are indefinite however...

shinylight, a light-weight R package to create rich web applications (NERC Grant NE/T001518/1)

The code base for IsoplotR’s graphical user interface (GUI) and its core data processing algorithms are surgically separated from each other. The command-line functionality is grouped in a...

Leeds schools energy costs

**This data set is no longer updated. The information it contains is included in the** [**council energy consumption data set.**]( ...

Socio-economic survey of domestic groundwater handling and use for source customers in Kisumu, Kenya in 2014

This dataset contains the anonymised results of a survey of customers who buy groundwater for consumption in Kisumu, Kenya. Data includes information on the amount of water bought and ways in which...

Septic Tanks - Scotland

This dataset is an amalgamation of licenced SEPA, Scottish Water, Assessors and some Local Authorities Septic Tanks in Scotland. Under section 79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Under...

Reproductive output and adult lifespan of 308 invertebrate species subjected to temperature variations, from a meta-analysis of published literature

[This dataset is embargoed until December 31, 2024]. This dataset contains extracted data from studies reporting the effect of temperature on animal reproduction and adult lifespan. To identify...

Neptune Coastline Campaign: Land Use 1965

1965 Coastal Land Use Data.  Created from physical survey carried out by University of Reading.  Project...

London’s consumption based greenhouse gas emissions

Tackling London’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a huge challenge. The impact of these emissions goes far beyond the city’s boundaries. From the electronics we buy and the food we eat to the...

Neptune Coastline Campaign: Land Use 2014

2014 Coastal Land Use Data.  Digital survey of aerial imagery and desktop mapping software.  Carried out by the University of Leicester.  Project...

Focus on London - Housing

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2011: **HOUSING**:A**GROWING**CITY With the highest average incomes in the country but the least space to grow, demand for housing in London has long outstripped supply,...