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Trade Union Facility Time

The following information notes which Trade Unions are represented within this authority, gives the total number of staff who are union representatives and a basic estimate of spending on trade...

Trade Union Act

The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 came into force on the 1st April 2017. These regulations place a legislative requirement on relevant public sector...

Trade union facility time

This dataset shows staff time allocated to trade union activities. Please note ----------- * Data is based on trade union roles/facilties time recorded corporately  * C= convenors * ULRC =...

Trade Union Facility Time

Trade Union information as required under Transparency Code including numbers, unions and estimated spend.

Trade Unions represented

Names of the Trade Unions represented in North Somerset Council

Trade Union Facility Time

This dataset published by Lincolnshire County Council shows Trade Union facility time. It shows numbers of Trade Union representatives and estimates of spending on Trade Unions. The dataset is...

Manchester Trade Union Facility Time

Trade Union Facilities for non-schools staff. This data set includes: Total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of staff who are union representatives (including general, learning...

SLDC Trade Union Facility Time

SLDC Trade Union Facility Time. SLDC recognise Unison and GMB trade unions for negotiation and consultation purposes. Please note: SLDC does not have any trade union representatives who spend 50%...

Trade Union Facility

This dataset shows staff time allocated to trade union activities and what proportion of the total wage bill this constitutes.

Trade Union Facility Time

This dataset contains details of all trade unions currently represented within the Council and their representatives. Facility time refers to time off given to representatives to allow them to...

Wycombe trade union facility time

Details of paid time off for union representatives to carry out trade union activities.

Trade union facility time

Trade union facility time.

Trade Union representatives who devote at least 50% of time to Union duties

Trade Union representatives who devote at least 50% of time to Union duties - absolute number and full time equivalent (FTE)

Trade Union Time

Mole Valley District Council (MVDC). Trade Union Facility Time. Published under Transparency Code 2014 and Open Government Licence (OGL). CSV Format. Annual Publication. In accordance with LGA...

Trade Union Facility Budget

A basic estimate of spending on Trade Unions at North Somerset Council

European Union Debts

European Union debts which cannot be processed via Debt Manager as different regulations and processes. Location: EU wide data Time Period: 14 months Update Frequency: Daily Financial Information:...

Bradford Council trade union facility time

### Full time total number (absolute equivalent) of union representatives who devote at least 50 per cent of their time to union activity Union FTE, including those funded by the Schools...

Trade Union Membership statistics

Provides annual estimates of trade union membership from the Labour Force Survey for both employees and all workers. National Statistics

Rochdale Borough Council Trade Union Facility Time

The data shows detail of information relating to the number of staff who are employed by the council and also act as Trade Union Representatives. Union representative means an employee who has...

Trafford Council - Trade union facility time

Paid time off during working hours for trade union representatives to carry out trade union duties. Temporal coverage: 2022/23.