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OSNI Open Data - Benchmark data

Point data of benchmark height above MSL Belfast (m). Please note that as LPS no longer maintains the network, the continued integrity of the information cannot be guaranteed. It is recommended to...

OSNI Open Data - Benchmark data

Point data of benchmark height above MSL Belfast (m). Please note that as LPS no longer maintains the network, the continued integrity of the information cannot be guaranteed. It is recommended to...

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Benchmarking Balanaced Scorecard

Quarterly updates of the CAMHS Benchmarking tools. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Workforce Data Equality - London Benchmarking Tool

This tool has been specifically designed to support the [Workforce Data Equality Guide]( It...

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

Benchmarking Tables Of Local Authority Planned Expenditure

The Benchmarking Tables of planned expenditure are drawn from the published Children, Schools and Families Financial Data Collection budget statements and are primarily aimed at School Forums and...

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

Operational Efficiency Programme Benchmarking Report for April 2009 to May 2010

Operational Efficiency Programme Benchmarking Report for April 2009 to May 2010 with the full accompanying data set. The report highlights the exceptionally bad quality of existing data,...

Statistical neighbours benchmarking tool

Identification of statistical neighbours and range of key demographic indicators for comparison Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children...

Benchmarking pay data used for reports across civil service and private sector

Pay club data on Other Government Departments pay rates and private sector comparators. Updated: annually.

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) Working Paper 2010-03: Benchmarking worldwide CO2 saline aquifer injections

Technical report, component of ‘Progressing Scotland’s CO2 storage opportunities’ 2010. Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage is a very active field of research, especially for the past decade....

Time-lapse gravity data Corbetti caldera (Ethiopia): 2014/16 (NERC grant NE/L013932/1)

The RiftVolc microgravity network was comprised of a total of 4 benchmarks including a reference benchmark. Benchmark locations, observed gravity changes, dg14 -16, from 2014-2016, corresponding...

Barnet Schools income and expenditure

Barnet Local Education Authority Schools financial benchmarking on income and expenditure • Annual returns are sent to DfES as part of a statutory...