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Sites and Attractions

This dataset includes tourist attractions, local producers, heritage sites, arts and crafts. Information is maintained by North Somerset Council to support essential service delivery and is being...

Database of English Visitor Attractions

A database of all English visitor attractions which VE is aware of, compiled to use as sample in the Annual Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions

England Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions

Annual official statistic measuring the number of visits to English visitor attractions. Results are published in August each year. Key survey deliverables include a powerpoint report (currently...

Visit England Visitor Attraction Assurance Scheme member database

A database of members of the VisitEngland Visitor Attraction Quality Assurance Scheme, with details of attraction name, address and assessment

Local Plan 2004 Areas of Attractive Landscape

Areas of Attractive Landscape relevant to Policy L2 of the Adopted Local Plan 2004, polygons

City Airport Manchester Safeguarding Zone - developments attracting birds

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with City Airport Manchester where development is likely to attract birds, such as proposals...

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - development likely to attract birds

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with Manchester Airport where development is likely to attract birds, such as proposals...

Manchester Airport bird consultation zone

13 kilometre buffer around Manchester Airport representing the need for consultation for potential bird attractant developments


Attractive landscapes of countywide significance are classified as Special Landscape Areas (SLAs) under policy ENV4 of the Kent structure plan


Areas of landscape that enhance local amenity and environmental quality, providing an attractive setting to the urban area and surrounding villages

Park User Facilities

Facilities for park users, comprising of art works, toilets, buildings, sports pavilion, drinking fountain, visitors centre, cafe, icecream // mobile catering, Park Ranger station and...

Bristol City Council Recruitment

Bristol City Council is one of the largest employers in the West Country. We are committed to achieving equal opportunities and we are seeking to attract a workforce that reflects the diverse...

Research & Development spatial data tool

BEIS and Nesta have co-developed a research and development (R&D) spatial data tool to allow users to access, visualise and compare indicators that show the scale of R&D systems at a...

Accommodation QA scheme member database

A database of members of the VisitEngland Accommodation QA scheme, with details of attraction name, address and assessment. Consumers can search for accommodation scheme members at...

Tourism Business Monitor

5 times yearly survey of accommodation and attractions businesses providing indication of business performance, sentiment and attitudes to "hot topic" areas. Publication schedule for results is at...

Places of interest

Polygon layer recording places of interest/tourist attractions in the City. This dataset was created to make mapping of these features easier. Data is created from the Ordnance Survey Mastermap...

Weekly, monthly and yearly recreation demand maps for the UK

This dataset contains recreation demand maps for the UK based on weekly, monthly and yearly visit frequencies. Recreation includes activities such as walking, hiking, cycling, etc, i.e., ‘outdoor...

Strava Heat Map

Find out the most popular cycling routes and running routes across North Yorkshire and the world. This is a useful website to show where the most popular cycling and running routes are in your...

Battlefields Inventory Boundaries (WMS)

The Inventory of Historic Battlefields is a list of nationally important battlefields in Scotland that meet the criteria published in SHEP 2009. It provides information on the sites to raise...

Battlefields Inventory Boundaries

The Inventory of Historic Battlefields is a list of nationally important battlefields in Scotland that meet the criteria published in SHEP 2009. It provides information on the sites to raise...