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Rochford Safeguarding Zone Around London Southend Airport

This dataset shows the location of the safeguard zone around London Southend Airport. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User...

Survey of Reef Habitat around Eddystone Reef, Plymouth

Detailed pilot survey carried out on the reef habitat around the Eddystone Reef off Plymouth as part of a project to identify potential SACs which are not connected to the coast. Phase 1 of the...

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Employment

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Employment *This indicator is discontinued

Number of Troubled Families turned around - (New 2014/2015)

Number of Troubled Families turned around - (New 2014/2015) *This indicator is discontinued

SeaVoX regional seas around the UK

A polygon subset of sea areas around the UK taken from The SeaVoX Salt and Fresh Water Body Gazetteer (v14 published April 2013). Sea areas included are Iceland Sea, Norwegian Sea, North Sea, Inner...

SeaVoX regional seas around the UK

A polygon subset of sea areas around the UK taken from The SeaVoX Salt and Fresh Water Body Gazetteer (v14 published April 2013). Sea areas included are Iceland Sea, Norwegian Sea, North Sea, Inner...

2011 Recreation: Important areas for diving around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

2011 Recreation: Important areas for diving around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

Fish stocks around the UK fished within safe biological limits

Fish stocks around the UK fished within safe biological limits: 1990 to 2010. If you require the datasets in a more accessible format, please contact

Development around the Coast

Outside Settlement Boundaries and service villages, the character of the District's coast, small coastal villages and hamlets should be protected and enhanced. Development in close proximity to the...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important Inshore Fishing Grounds around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important Inshore Fishing Grounds around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Education and Crime/ASB issues

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Education and Crime/ASB issues *This indicator is discontinued

Saved Local Plan Policy C7 - Mixed Areas Around Barrow Town Centre

Dataset showing Mixed Areas Around Barrow Town Centre under Policy C7 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas recorded as polygons. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes around the Thanet coast. Substrate

The survey of the marine environment around Thanet was undertaken as part of the BioMar Project which is funded by the European Community through the LIFE Programme. Thanet forms the eastern corner...

Seismic data from deployments around Askja, Iceland (NERC grant NE/H025006/1)

This is continuous raw data from 3-component broad-band (30 sec to 100 Hz) Guralp 6TD seismometer deployments around Askja in the central region of Iceland.

2006 English Nature/Seastar Survey of Reefs Around Eddystone Reef, Plymouth

Survey name: 2006 English Nature/Seastar Survey of Reefs Around Eddystone Reef, Plymouth This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important areas for fixed salmon netting around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important areas for fixed salmon netting around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

Marine Seabed Sediment Geochemical Data from around the UK (1975-1990)

The concentrations of up to 30 trace elements in approximately 9,000 sea-bed samples from the UK Continental Shelf were determined by BGS using a variety of analytical techniques. In some cases...