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CYC Chief Operating Officer’s diary

Diary of City of York Council's Chief Operating Officer’s diary - from the 1st January 2019 onwards

Post Offices

Dataset showing Post Offices located with the Councils administrative area. Individual Post Offices are recorded as points. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Post Offices

Post Offices including names and addresses.


GIS polygon dataset identifying the areas of office use within the Brentwood Borough. These areas have been chosen by the Local Planning Authority to be subject to Local Plan policy to restrict...

Serviced Offices Points

Businesses looking to locate in the City of London who need a flexible, short-term office solution serviced office space or co-working space could provide the perfect solution. The attached...


Mine CounterMeasures2 (Portsmouth Squadron) Officers contact List for issue to visitors or Press as required.

Brent Council offices

KML file of council offices in the London Borough of Brent. Details include latitude and longitude, office name and URL link to further information.

Registration Offices

Registration Offices in Lincolnshire have their own unique facilities and features. This dataset shows each office's location, address, and contact and booking details. Some other relevant...

Local Council Offices

Local Council offices including, names, location in eastings and northings and website link for each Calderdale Council office.  This data has been derived from Ordnance Survey base mapping. (C)...

Chief Officers Remuneration

Chief Officers Remuneration

Post Offices

The locations of all post offices in Oldham. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Norfolk Registration offices

Locations of Registration offices in Norfolk.

Office Carbon Emissions

The carbon emitted from offices used by HMRC. Updated: monthly.

Office Carbon Emissions

The carbon emitted from offices used by HMRC. Updated: monthly.

Sunderland Post Offices

List of all Post Offices within the Sunderland City Boundary.

Probation officers by ethnicity

Number and percentage of probation officers by ethnicity Source: Home Office (HO) Publisher: Home Office (HO) Geographies: Police Force Area Geographic coverage: England and Wales Time coverage:...

Core Office Buildings

Shows the location of the core office buildings used by lambeth council

Officers Disciplinary Database

Database of current and recent past officer disciplinary cases SL WS. Daily use for monitoring progress and current status.

Senior officer salaries

Details of the upper and lower limits of senior officers' pay. Pay and benefits for senior officers were agreed by the Staff and Support services committee. Decisions are made by evaluating the...

Home Office resource accounts

The resource accounts reflects the Home Office’s income and expenditure for the period 1 April 2009 – 31 March 2010, as well as capturing its assets and liabilities.