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222 results found

Mortgage possession statistics

Mortgage possessions proceedings issued in the county courts, Local Authority and private Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry of Justice Geographies: County/Unitary Authority,...

Offences by ethnicity

Total arrests for notifiable offences per 1,000 population aged 10 and over, by police force and ethnicity Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry of Justice Geographies: Police...

Social Justice Family Stability Indicator

The percentage of children not living with both of their birth parents, by age of child and household income. The estimated percentage of children living with both birth parents where the...

Persons found guilty or cautioned for indictable offences, per 100,000 population

Persons found guilty or cautioned for, indictable offences by police force area, per 100,000 population in the age group by sex and age group Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry...

Cautions for summary (excluding motoring) offences

Persons cautioned for summary (excluding motoring) offences as a percentage of persons found guilty or cautioned by police force area, sex and age group Source: Ministry of Justice...

Cautions for indictable (excluding motoring) offences

Persons cautioned for indictable (excluding motoring) offences as a percentage of persons found guilty or cautioned by police force area, sex and age group, 2007 Source: Ministry of Justice...

Arrests as a result of stop and search

Arrests resulting from a stop and search under s1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, as a percentage of total arrests for notifiable offences, by police force area and ethnic...

Motoring offences and breath test statistics

Number of motoring offences and breath tests dealt with by the police. Details are provided of both the offence and action taken. Statistics are also included on penalty charge notices issued by...


Number of convictions for notifiable offences, across Local Criminal Justice Board areas


Number of cautions for notifiable offences, across Local Criminal Justice Board areas

Prison and Probation Trust rating System

NOMS produces data-driven assessments of performance for probation trusts using an assessment framework that was agreed with the Ministry of Justice - the Probation Trust Rating System (PTRS). This...

Family Court Statistics

The bulletin presents the latest statistics on the type and volume of family cases that are received and processed through the justice system of England and Wales. It focuses on all areas of...

Safety in custody supplementary tables

Supplementary tables relating to the publication 'Safety in Custody' The publication analyses deaths, self-harm and violence in prison custody, looking at trends across age, gender and time in...

Reoffending statistics compendia

This annual publication contains reoffending statistics which is not covered by the existing Ministry of Justice statistical publications. The key statistics covered by this publication include:...

Judicial and Court Statistics

These annual reports relate to the criminal and civil business of the courts in England and Wales for whose administration the Ministry of Justice is responsible. They also cover the work of some...

Penalty Notices for Disorder

Number of penalty notices for disorder (PND) for notifiable offences, across Local Criminal Justice Board areas

Criminal Statistics Annual Report, England and Wales

The annual release, presented on a calendar year basis, covers offenders dealt with by formal police cautions, reprimands or warning, or criminal court proceedings in England and Wales. The order...

Local Adult Reoffending

The latest statistics on the reoffending of adults on the probation caseload, released by the Ministry of Justice. The quarterly release presents statistics on the reoffending of adults under...

i-grasp (MoJ Recruitment Database)

Recruitment database containing details of those applying for jobs in the Ministry of Justice. This database also includes details of those involved in the interviewing process where applicable.

Employment tribunal statistics

Employment tribunal performance statistics, including volumetrics Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...