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73 results found

Isotope compositions in a natural gas seep, French Alps

The Fontaine Ardente (FA) and Rochasson (ROC) natural gas seepage sites are located southwest (FA) and east (ROC) of Grenoble, France. For both field sites, gas is thought to originate from buried...

Species point records from 1985-87 Procter Torbay caves survey

The massive limestone promontory of Berry Head is probably the most impressive outcrop of Devonian limestone in south Devon. Forming the southern tip of Torbay, the head shelters the fishing port...

Habitat point records from 1985-87 Procter Torbay caves survey

The massive limestone promontory of Berry Head is probably the most impressive outcrop of Devonian limestone in south Devon. Forming the southern tip of Torbay, the head shelters the fishing port...

A data product derived from Northeast Atlantic groundfish data from scientific trawl surveys 1983-2020

This is a data product to support state indicators that are based from groundfish biological data, derived using primary data from surveys undertaken in the Northeast Atlantic between 1983 and...

2009-2016 Loxton et al., Distribution of the invasive bryozoan Schizoporella japonica in Great Britain and Ireland and a review of its European distribution

The bryozoan Schizoporella japonica Ortmann (1890) was first recorded in European waters in 2010 and has since been reported from further locations in Great Britain (GB) and Norway. This dataset...

Chemical and physical data of water and its evolution over incubation experiments for three headwater streams in the Conwy catchment, North Wales (2014)

These data are chemical and physical data of stream water and their evolution over incubation experiments conducted on water samples taken from three headwater streams from the Conwy catchment in...

BGS Palaeozoic Project

This zipped folder contains data from a study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, which was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience...

BGS Irish Sea Final May 2016

This study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience team worked with the UK North Sea Transition...

BGS MNSH Final March 2016

This study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience team worked with the UK North Sea Transition...

BGS Orcadian Final May 2016

This study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience team worked with the UK North Sea Transition...

BGS 1:63 360 / 1:50 000 series geological maps

The 1:63 360 / 1:50 000 scale map series are the most useful scale for most purposes. They provide almost complete coverage of onshore Great Britain. The BGS collection of 1:63 360 and 1:50 000...

EPSRC Project: Fingerprinting captured CO2 using natural tracers: Determining CO2 fate and proving ownership

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has emerged as a promising means of lowering CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. However, concerns about the possibility of harmful CO2 leakage are...

In-situ rock deformation and micron-scale crack network evolution: a high-resolution time-resolved x-ray micro-tomography dataset (NERC Grant NE/R001693/1)

This collection comprises two time-series of 3D in-situ synchrotron x-ray microtomography (μCT) volumes showing two Ailsa Craig micro-granite samples (ACfresh02 and ACHT01) undergoing triaxial...