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541 results found

Northern Ireland General Practice Patient Survey

This survey was developed in collaboration with the four UK Health departments, BMA General Practitioners Committee (GPC) and NHS Employers organisation. The results of the survey will be used to...

Hip fracture: care process composite indicator (CCGOIS 3.18)

Of people aged 60 and over with hip fracture, the percentage who receive all nine of the agreed best practice standards, 95% confidence intervals. Current version updated: Dec-16 Next version...

Public Perceptions of the Police

Data on the public's perception of the police, taken from the Mayors Office for Policing and Crime's (MOPAC) Public Attitude Survey (PAS). Responses from the following questions are available for...

National Forest Estate Recreaton Routes England 2016

The usage, name and grade of the series of recreation segments that link together to form linear recreation features, for example, mountain bike trails or walking trails. Primary Route...

NI 186 Per capita CO2 emissions in the LA area

Percentage reduction of the per capita CO2 emissions in the Local Authority Area: The indicator being assessed will comprise of an annual reduction in CO2 emissions across an agreed set of sectors...

Routes onto Employment and Support Allowance dataset

Anonymised dataset from a two-wave survey of people who claimed Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) between April and June 2009. The first wave was a face-to-face survey of 3,650 people...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B1b, Area of forestry land certified as sustainably managed

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B1b, Area of forestry land certified as sustainably managed. Woodland certification assesses management practices against...

Vehicle security and vehicle crime

Vehicle crime has fallen 80% since 1995, which makes it one of the most important factors in the long-term decline in overall crime. The report aimed to extract a large amount of learning from...

Various water quality parameters covering a pre and post-planting regime (Halladale study 1995-2010)

Our study was driven by concerns that afforesting the headwaters of the Upper Halladale River in North Scotland would affect water quality and the local salmon fishery. The main issue was the...

GP Earnings and Expenses

The GP Earnings and Expenses Enquiries (EEQs) provide a detailed study of the earnings and expenses of both contractor and salaried GPs in the UK. The reports are agreed by the Technical Steering...

Investment in General Practice

This report details the investment in General Practice in the UK. The report draws on information obtained from country level financial monitoring reports discussed and agreed by the Technical...

Statutory duties placed on local government

Local authorities are bound by statute. Their functions are set out in numerous Acts of Parliament and many of these functions have associated legal duties. At no point in recent history has there...

NI 157c Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for other application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157b Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for minor application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157a Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for major application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

ITS Directive Road Safety Information Data - Live Traffic Information from TransportNI

The ITS Directive and UK traffic and lorry parking data - road safety related data from Transport Northern Ireland The UK Department for Transport and the devolved administrations are taking an...

Felling Licence Applications For Highways England Land

Felling Licence Application (FLA) areas approved by Forestry Commission England. Anyone wishing to fell trees must ensure that a licence or permission under a grant scheme has been issued by the...

National Forest Estate Recreaton Points England 2016

Physical recreation feature on the ground best depicted as point. These features a divided into eight Categories... Signage - FC branded signs, information and navigational aids, which have...

Use of NICE-appraised medicines in the NHS in England

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) technology appraisal process assesses the clinical and cost effectiveness of new and existing drugs and treatments, and provides...

NI 175 Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling

Access to core services and facilities by individuals through public transport, walking and cycling. Source: Department for Transport (DfT) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies:...