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National Insurance Contributions (NICs)

Administrative datasets on National Insurance Contributions (NICs)

National Rail Enquiry Service

The National Rail Enquiry Service (NRES) provides information, primarily on train times and fares. It covers enquiries made through the telephone service, as well as self-service channels such as...

Mineral Extraction in Great Britain

The report publishes the findings of the statutory Annual Minerals Raised Inquiry survey which describes the annual sales across Great Britain of an array of minerals identified in the...

Transport Trends, Great Britain

The edition has been cancelled for operational reasons. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Transport Trends, Great Britain

Transport Statistics, Great Britain

Annual report bringing together the full range of transport statistics and is the main general statistical reference source for transport in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation:...

Road lengths in Great Britain

This publication provides statistics of road lengths in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Road lengths in Great Britain

Get Britain Working Measures

This publication covers statistics on the following Get Britain Working Measures: work experience, New Enterprise Allowance and sector-based work academies. Publication of these statistics...

Fixed assets

GBCC - Fixed assets owned by Great Britain Chinare

Fixed assets

GBCC - Fixed assets owned by Great Britain Chinare

Non Sensitive Suppliers

GBCC - Suppliers of goods and services to Great Britain China Centre

Non Sensitive Suppliers

GBCC - Suppliers of goods and services to Great Britain China Centre

Sales Invoices

GBCC - Sales invoices raised to customers of Great Britain China Centre

Supplier invoices

GBCC - Invoices from suppliers of goods and services to Great Britain China Centre

Supplier invoices

GBCC - Invoices from suppliers of goods and services to Great Britain China Centre

National Insurance & PAYE Service (NPS)

Annual 10% snapshot extract of individuals on the PAYE system. The data includes pay and tax deducted as reported on Form P14, Form P60 (end of year returns) or Form P45, industry of employment and...

National Diet and Nutrition Survey (Scotland)

Food consumption, nutrient intakes and nutritional status of the Scottish population - adults and children from 18 months upwards. Results are presented by age/sex sub-groups. Source agency: Food...

National Insurance & PAYE Service (NPS)

Annual 10% snapshot extract of individuals on the PAYE system. The data includes pay and tax deducted as reported on Form P14, Form P60 (end of year returns) or Form P45, industry of employment and...

National Proficiency Tests Council Assessments

List of Forestry Commission & Non Forestry Commission candidates who have been assessed or are awaiting assessment

National Forest Inventory Scotland 2022

The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

National Forest Inventory GB 2021

The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...