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1,243 results found

Hydrogeological Maps of the UK

A collection of hydrogeological maps created by the British Geological Survey between 1967 and 1994. The maps in the collection cover aspects of groundwater availability, exploitation and quality...

DIO Operations Accommodation Customer Satisfaction Key Performance Indicators

These Key Performance Indicators (KPI) were developed after consultation with UK Service Family Accommodation key stakeholders, including representatives of Service families. The KPIs provide...

UK Punctuality Statistics

Punctuality statistics are calculated for 10 UK Airports. The planned time of operation is obtained from the airport scheduling committees and merged in with the actual time of operation on the air...

Low Pay

As a result of a data issue that emerged during quality assurance, it will not be possible to release revised 2012 and provisional 2013 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings results and Low Pay...

West Norfolk Brownfield register

The introduction of The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 requires us to publish and maintain a register of brownfield land. This land must exceed 0.25ha (or be...

Percentage of Detected and Sanctioned Offences, Borough

Percentage of recorded offences, that result in a sanction against the suspect by broad crime groups. The Met Police began presenting detection figures differently in 2005/06. Previous to this, the...

Empty homes

This data on empty homes is presented in two sections: our original data is provided for the whole of England, collated from local authority returns to the Department of Communities and Local...

Communal Heating Consumer Survey Report

The Communal Heating Consumer Survey was conducted in October 2017 to collect feedback from consumers on their views on the quality and satisfaction of the communal heating scheme which provides...

Wider impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery of population health outcomes for London

These documents were produced through a collaboration between GLA, PHE London and Association of Directors of Public Health London. The wider impacts slide set pulls together a series of rapid...

Inequalities and Environmental Action

This report and dataset were commissioned by the Greater London Authority, and produced by Centric Lab to uncover the work of community groups that connect with environmental issues in Hackney,...

Register of Geographic Codes (May 2023) for the UK

The Register of Geographic Codes (RGC) is a key product that contains the definitive list of UK statistical geographies. ONS maintains the definitive set of statistical geographies, coordinates the...

1996 - 2013, North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NWIFCA) Mussel Surveys

The NWIFCA conducts mussel surveys across its district in order to inform the management of this fishery. Data is collected on the percentage cover of a bed in mussel and other habitat types. The...

Atlas of Deprivation: England

The Indices of Multiple Deprivation for England combine a number of areas, chosen to cover a range of economic, social and housing issues into a single deprivation score for each Lower Layer Super...

NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Extract (August 2016)

This file contains the 'Extract' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at August 2016. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a selection of health...

Map of Community Views

Image: Snapshot from the Map of Community...

ENPA BAP Upland Oakwood

The steep-sided combes and coastal slopes of Exmoor still support large expanses of ancient woodland. These are largely of the upland oak woodland type, which on Exmoor is easily defined by the...

Government Procurement Card spend in the Skills Funding Agency

Government Procurement Card The Agency uses a form of credit card known as Government Procurement Card, which is a cost-effective way of purchasing goods and services widely used in the public...

Regional Economic Indicators

The Regional Economic Indicators examine regional differences within the UK economy. These are discussed via an ongoing series of articles focusing on the measurement of economic performance,...

Register of Geographic Codes (March 2022) for the UK

The Register of Geographic Codes (RGC) is a key product that contains the definitive list of UK statistical geographies. ONS maintains the definitive set of statistical geographies, coordinates the...

Live Animal Exports 2014

This dataset contains information on export applications received for Intra-union trade, exports to Third Countries and exports for National Trade (Northern Ireland) of live animals. The dataset...