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1,251 results found

Conformity of Production data (COP)

Conformity of Production database. Records of manufacturers holding approvals issued by VCA - manufacturing site information, quality systems certification information. Contact details for relevant...

Woodland and Forestry Strategy - Argyll and Bute

Argyll and Bute : Woodland and Forestry Strategy 2011 showing indicative suitability for woodland and forestry. It identifies the existing resource, the main issues and strategic priorities within...

Penalty Charge Notice Data

This data presents the number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs), more commonly known as parking tickets, issued for vehicles found to be in contravention of parking restrictions or bus lane...


Neighbourhood Action Panels (NAPs) captured as regions using Ordnance Survey BoundaryLine (Ward and Parish boundaries). NAPs are multi-agency problem solving groups, who bring together...

Premises Licences

Premises Licences issued by Barrow Borough Council updated annually. A full dataset version including the UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey data can only be released for “using the data to...

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Evidence Base for London

The Mayor has a role to play in leading, shaping and responding to changes in London through the work of the GLA group. Inclusive London: the Mayor's equality, diversity and inclusion strategy sets...

Libraries NI Annual Loans Summary

Annual summary of the total items borrowed (issues and renewals) at each of Libraries NI's 96 static libraries and 2 specialist heritage libraries. Breakdowns available by Library and Item Category.

Premises Licences Cotswold

Premises Licences issued by Cotswold District Council. It has been published as part of the LG Open Data Incentive Scheme. A full dataset version including the UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey...

Article 4 Directions

Location of all Article 4 directions within the OMBC boundary. Article 4 Directions are issued by the Council where specific control over development is required, primarily where the character of...

Migration indicators

 Migration indicators from ONS and DWP. The table below details the sources of the datasets available and the dates of their next update. Migration Statistics Quarterly Report Statistical...

Abstraction Statistics (ABSTAT) from 2000 onwards

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA268. The Environment Agency is responsible for licensing the abstraction of water in England and Wales. Abstraction licences set out how much water...

Testing and Registration System (TARS)

Testing and Registration System (TARS) includes all the information collected at the point of booking a practical driving test including name, address, driver number, contact details, any health...

Road Safety Information System (RSIS)

Scanned images of the DL25s (driving test reports). The reports include candidate name, date of test, application reference, vehicle registration, examiner name and reference number, test markings...

Expenditure exceeding £500 - 2023

Details of each individual item of expenditure that exceeds £500 for the year 2023. This includes items of expenditure consistent with Local Government Association guidance such as individual...

Bradford flood network

We are having some technical difficulties with our flood sensors at present so do not have up to date data. We are working on the issues and hope to resume normal service soon. We're working with...

Blue badge applications

This data set shows the monthly totals of all Blue badge applications processed by Leeds City Council. Further Information ------------------- * BB - Bule badge application forms * BP -...

Brownfield register

The government require each local planning authority in England to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed (brownfield) land suitable for housing. They consider that the...

Public Spaces Protection Orders: PSPO

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) try to prevent particular things that are harming the quality of life of people in the local community. Police or accredited Council Officers can issue...

Public Spaces Protection Orders: PSPO

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) try to prevent particular things that are harming the quality of life of people in the local community. Police or accredited Council Officers can issue...

Marine Consultation Areas (Scotland)

Marine Consultation Areas are identified by Scottish Natural Heritage as deserving particular distinction in respect of the quality and sensitivity of the marine environment within them. Their...