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817 results found

Individual effects of mechanical and chemical control treatment on Ligustrum lucidum and other exotic species invading subtropical forests, Horco Molle, Tucumán, Argentina, 2021-2023

[This dataset is embargoed until November 10, 2025]. The data resource consists of invasive tree species individual responses to mechanical-chemical/chemical treatments on plots established on...

Concentrations of plant growth promoting compounds in soils and hydroponics due to the interaction of plants and earthworms

Data comprise phytohormone concentrations (plant growth hormones: adenosine, zeatin, isopentenyladenosine, indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid) measured during plant growth experiments in soil...

2022 University of Plymouth Benthic Habitat Survey Lyme Bay (FISH INTEL South Devon Pilot Site) Baited Underwater Video System (BRUV)

Marine epibenthic and habitat data quantified in July 2022 in Lyme Bay using baited underwater video systems (BRUVs). The survey area comprises part of the South Devon pilot site for the FCE...

2022 University of Plymouth Benthic Habitat Survey Lyme Bay (FISH INTEL South Devon Pilot Site) Baited Underwater Video System (BRUV)

Marine epibenthic and habitat data quantified in July 2022 in Lyme Bay using baited underwater video systems (BRUVs). The survey area comprises part of the South Devon pilot site for the FCE...

EU Project: Publications: CO2QUEST – Impact of the Quality of CO2 on Storage and Transport

Coordinated by Haroun Mahgerefteh at UCL, the EC funded FP7 CO2QUEST project addressed the main challenges associated with determining the optimal composition and purity of CO2 product streams...

Chemical characterization of Madagascan Ion Adsorption Deposits and chemical and biological leachates (NERC Grant NE/M01116X/1)

Chemical composition of 18 ion adsorption deposits (lateritic soils) from Ambohimirahavavy alkaline province, North West Madagascar as part of NERC funded SoS RARE in 2016. Samples collected from...

Experimental friction data for simulated Nankai Trough gouges sheared under a range of effective normal stress and pore-fluid pressure conditions (NERC Grant NE/S015531/1)

The data are from a suite of friction experiments performed on simulated gouges from the Nankai Trough (Japan). The simulated gouges were prepared by crushing cuttings of Nankai accretionary...

Geophysical, hydraulic and mechanical properties of synthetic versus natural sandstones under variable stress conditions. (NERC grant NE/R013535/1)

The use of synthetic samples for rock physics experiments in the lab is a common practice for reservoir characterization and reservoir studies. This dataset gather ultrasonic P- and S-wave...

EPSRC project paper: New insights from 3D geological models at analogue CO2 storage sites in Lincolnshire and eastern Scotland, UK

Subsurface 3D geological models of aquifer and seal rock systems from two contrasting analogue sites have been created as the first step in an investigation into methodologies for geological...

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy data (NERC grant NE/M000087/1)

Raw FTIR data from olivine samples used for NERC grant NE/M000087/1. Grant abstract: In 2011, NERC began a scoping exercise to develop a research programme based around deep Earth controls on the...

Terrestrial Methane Cycling During Paleogene Greenhouse Climates (NERC grant NE/J008591/1)

Supplementary material for published paper, Early Paleogene wildfires in peat-forming environments at Schoningen, Germany by BE Robson et al, NERC grant...

Collaborative deer management - ecology data, 2006-2009

This dataset consists of a survey of the vegetational impacts of deer in 20 forests as part of the NERC Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. It is widely accepted, at least in principle,...

Beryllium-10 (10Be) AMS data for different chemical procedures and metal matrices measured at SUERC AMS Laboratory between 2020 and 2023.

Normalised accelerator mass spectrometry data from beryllium targets prepared using different chemical processes and metal matrices. Filenames include the date the AMS experiments were started....

Historical (1971-2005) and projected (2006-2099) hydrological model (HMF-Malaysia) estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows across Peninsular Malaysia driven by CORDEX-SEA projected climate data

This dataset comprises multiple baseline and future ensembles of hydrological model estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows (m3s-1) on a 0. 0.008333° × 0. 0.008333° grid...

Litterfall data from Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog Forest 1999 - 2011

This dataset includes litterfall data from the experimental plots at the Climoor field site in the Clocaenog forest, NE Wales. Litterfall (natural senesced plant material) was collected in...

Visible leaf injury of Trifolium repens versus Lolium perenne after ozone exposure in solardomes

The dataset consists of proportions of ozone injured or senesced leaves from a study which investigated how the presence of competing species in a community affects these two common responses to...

Seasonal breakthrough curves of conservative (fluorescein) and reactive (resazurin and resorufin) tracers at an agriculturally-impacted stream at Wood Brook, UK, 2016-2017

This dataset contains breakthrough curves of conservative (fluorescein) and reactive (resazurin and resorufin) tracers resulting from instantaneous tracer experiments in a lowland agricultural...

Fine root arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation in fertilised plots in Central Amazon, 2018

The data consists of total arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonisation in fine roots in old growth forests in Central Amazon. Fine roots younger than three months were sampled using the ingrowth core...

Nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from different riparian restoration treatments in oil palm plantations in Riau, Indonesia 2019-2021

This dataset contains terrestrial fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and ecosystem respiration (carbon dioxide (CO2)) calculated from static chamber measurements in riparian buffers of...

Air pollution removed by vegetation in the UK, 2015

This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It...