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687 results found

Fine root nutrient concentration in fertilised plots in the Central Amazon, 2018

The data consists of carbon, micro and macro nutrient concentrations in fine roots (<2mm diameter) in old growth forests in Central Amazon. Fine roots younger than three months were sampled...

Technetium-99 (99Tc) transformations in aerobic soils following experimental addition of the radioactive anion 99TcO4-

The data comprise measurements of the 'soluble', 'adsorbed' and 'organically bound' 99Tc concentrations in a diverse set of soils following experimental addition of 99TcO4- and incubation in the...

Fortnightly soil respiration data from Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog Forest 1999-2015

This dataset contains soil respiration data from the Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog forest, north-east Wales. Measurements began in March 1999 at the field site, and were repeated in approximately...

Time series of uranium transformations in aerobic soils following experimental addition of uranyl ion

The data comprise measurements of the 'soluble', 'chemically exchangeable' and 'isotopically exchangeable' U concentrations in a diverse set of soils following experimental addition of UO22+ and...

The seed set of Eschscholzia californica plants introduced into habitats comprising different floral cover

This dataset contains seed counts of Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to form experimental arrays within habitats comprising different floral cover. Data was collected in June 2015 at the...

Palm frond damage from herbivory in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) plots, Kandista and Ujun Tanjung estates, Indonesia

Data comprise counts of damage to palm fronds in mature oil palm (2013-2015), and mature and replanted oil palm (2016-2017) plots as part of a large-scale ecological experiment programme (the...

Ultrasonic Shear Wave Velocity and Attenuation during methane hydrate formation in water saturated sandstone (NERC Grant NE/J020753/1)

This dataset is of laboratory ultrasonic shear wave measurements during methane hydrate formation in water saturated Berea sandstone using pulse echo method. We formed methane hydrate and took...

Vegetation survey data from Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog Forest 1999 - 2012

This dataset contains vegetation survey data from an upland heath site in the Clocaenog Forest. This was done by pin point methodology, and data includes both pin hits as well as measurements...

Time series of microbial carbon release from soil as carbon dioxide under different nitrogen and phosphorus treatments with a low glucose concentration added as a carbon source in the Conwy catchment, North Wales, UK (2016)

Time series data of carbon release in disintegrations per minute are presented for different nitrogen and phosphorus treatments with a low glucose concentration substrate added as a carbon source...

Tree census data from secondary subtropical forests invaded by Ligustrum lucidum, Horco Molle, Argentina, 2020-2023

[This dataset is embargoed until November 10, 2025]. The data resource consists of tree census data and shapefiles about plots established on invaded sub-tropical mountain secondary forests...

Time series of microbial carbon release from soil as carbon dioxide under different nitrogen and phosphorus treatments with a high glucose concentration added as a carbon source in the Conwy catchment, North Wales, UK (2016)

Time series data of carbon release in disintegrations per minute are presented for different nitrogen and phosphorus treatments with a high glucose concentration substrate added as a carbon source...

Arable crop yield data for the Hillesden Experimental Platform, UK, collected between 2006 and 2011

This dataset contains yield data for wheat, oilseed rape and field beans grown in fields under different agri-environment practices. The fields were located at the Hillesden Estate in...

Time series of microbial carbon release from soil as carbon dioxide under different nitrogen and phosphorus treatments with a high molecular weight substrate added as a carbon source, Conwy catchment, North Wales, UK (2016)

Time series data of carbon release in disintegrations per minute are presented for different nitrogen and phosphorus treatments with a high molecular weight substrate added as a carbon source to...

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) sediment stability by Cohesive Strength Meter (CSM) in salt marsh and mud flat habitats

The dataset comprises the surface stability of sediments as determined by a Cohesive Strength Meter (CSM). Between 3 and 5 replicate measurements were taken from each of the 22 designated...

Boreal forest floor greenhouse gas emissions across a wildfire-disturbed chronosequence

Data collected during field experiments to investigate the effect of wildfires on greenhouse gas emissions across forests of differing ages in Sweden. Data comprise greenhouse gas measurements,...

1993 - 1994 School of Biological Sciences, Swansea University, Sedimentary Shores in Poole Harbour, Box core sampling survey

All these records relate to "Dyrynda, Lewis (1994) Sedimentary shores in Poole Harbour: Bait harvesting and other human impacts" A copy of the report is held at English Nature (Dorset Team). ...

Sharpening the U-Th Chronometer through technical developments and community implementation (NERC Grant NE/I013814/1)

This dataset comprises a series of six .xls workbooks which contain the data auxiliary material for the manuscript "Metrology and Traceability of U-Pb Isotope Dilution Geochronology (EARTHTIME...

Thermal and Alternating Field demagnetisation data from Carboniferous-age rock material from Cumbria and the Scottish Borders sampled in 2017, measured at the University of Liverpool (NERC Grant NE/P00170X/1)

Thermal and Alternating Field demagnetisation data from Carboniferous-age rock material from Cumbria and the Scottish Borders sampled in 2017. This data is divided into multiple four letter coded...

Cellulolytic decomposition in Welsh upland rivers in response to organic matter addition (2013)

These data are cellulolytic decomposition in eight Welsh upland rivers with contrasting land-use, moorland and exotic conifer, in response to riparian deciduous leaf addition. Eight sampling...

Vegetation survey of Brachypodium pinnatum herbicide control trials at the Martin Down National Nature Reserve (2012-2015)

Vegetation data from botanical field survey of trials of selective herbicide impacts on tor-grass (Brachypodium pinnatum s.l.) control at Martin Down NNR, England. The data relate to 50 cm × 50 cm...