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115 results found

Women in the Labour Market

This report examines women in the labour market. For example it looks at employment rates, occupations, skill levels of jobs and pay for women and compares this with men. It also considers women...

N.I. Herd/Flock Map References

Herd & Flock locations throughout Northern Ireland. Updated 25 April 2019.

Psychiatric Morbidity Among Women Prisoners

Presents information on the mental health of women prisoners from a survey of psychiatric morbidity among prisoners aged 16-64 in England and Wales. Source agency: Office for National...

Women and the Criminal Justice System

Statistics produced by a range of agencies relating to the experience of women within the criminal justice system.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Prevalence in young women

HPV Prevalence in young women

National Control Plan for Salmonella Chicken Breeder Flocks APHA Sampled England 2012

This dataset details the chicken breeder flocks in England where official routine sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Turkey Fattening flocks England 2013

This dataset details the turkey fattening flocks in England where official annual sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Turkey Fattening flocks England 2014

This dataset details the turkey fattening flocks in England where official annual sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Turkey Fattening flocks England 2012

This dataset details the turkey fattening flocks in England where official annual sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Turkey Fattening flocks England 2015

This dataset details the turkey fattening flocks in England where official annual sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Chicken Breeder Flocks Operator Sampled England 2013

This dataset details the chicken breeder flocks in England where official routine sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Chicken Breeder Flocks APHA Sampled England 2015

This dataset details the chicken breeder flocks in England where official routine sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Chicken Breeder Flocks Operator Sampled England 2014

This dataset details the chicken breeder flocks in England where official routine sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Chicken Breeder Flocks APHA Sampled England 2013

This dataset details the chicken breeder flocks in England where official routine sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Chicken Breeder Flocks Operator Sampled England 2012

This dataset details the chicken breeder flocks in England where official routine sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Chicken Breeder Flocks APHA Sampled England 2014

This dataset details the chicken breeder flocks in England where official routine sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

National Control Plan for Salmonella Chicken Breeder Flocks Operator Sampled England 2015

This dataset details the chicken breeder flocks in England where official routine sampling, under the National Control Programmes for Salmonella, was carried out by Animal and Plant Health Agency...

Statistics on Women and the Criminal Justice System

A Ministry of Justice publication under section 95 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991. To avoid discrimination in the Criminal Justice System on grounds of sex, the Secretary of State for the...

Quarterly Conceptions to Women aged under 18, England and Wales

Provides the quarterly number of conceptions to women aged under 18 for England and Wales by regions and other local authority areas. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Annual Conceptions to Women aged under 18, England and Wales

Presents annual statistics on conceptions to women aged under 18 usually resident in England and Wales. It covers conception counts and conception rates for women of all ages, split by area of...