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Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable deterioration following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11c)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably deteriorate after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals An issue has been...

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable improvement following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11b)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably improve after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals. Due to current methodological...

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable recovery following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11a)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably recover after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals. Due to current methodological...

Hospital Activity Data

Monthly activity data relating to elective and non-elective inpatient admissions (or first finished consultant episodes FFCEs) and outpatient referrals and attendances for first consultant...

NI 123 - 16+ current smoking rate prevalence

This indicator relates to clients receiving support through the NHS Stop Smoking Services. A client is counted as a self-reported 4-week quitter if they have been assessed 4 weeks after the...

% of infants totally or partially breastfed at 6-8 weeks (of those with a known feeding status)

% of infants totally or partially breastfed at 6-8 weeks (of those with a known feeding status)

NI 053b - Prevalence of breast-feeding at 6-8 wks from birth - Breastfeeding Coverage

Percentage of infants being breastfed at 6-8 weeks.

NI 053a - Prevalence of breast-feeding at 6-8 wks from birth - Prevalence of breastfeeding

Percentage of infants being breastfed at 6-8 weeks.

NI 134 - The number of emergency bed days per head of weighted population

Emergency bed days would be defined as in year bed days of Finished Consultant Episodes (FCEs) where the admission method is reported as emergency. Data is on a commissioner basis. Source:...

NI 146 - Adults with learning disabilities in employment

Adults with learning disabilities: All adults aged 18-69 with learning disabilities that are known to Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) helped into employment Source:...

NI 008 - Adult participation in sport

Adults (aged 16+) participating in at in sport 3 or more times each week

Tooth extractions due to decay for children admitted as inpatients to hospital, aged 10 years and under (NHSOF 3.7.ii)

The crude rate of the number of finished consultant episodes (FCEs) where a tooth extraction was performed on a child aged 10 years or under at the start of the episode of care, due to tooth decay,...

Protected Zone Plots For Bark Beetle Species GB 10K Grid

Survey sites used to confirm the absence/presence of bark beetle species to support GB protected Zone status. Survey undertaken includes visual inspection and destructive sampling and included...

NI 157 - Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for 'major' 'minor' and 'other' application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157a - Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for major application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157c - Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for other application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157b - Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for minor application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157d - Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for 'major' 'minor' and 'other' application types - County Applications

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

Physically active adults

Adults participating in recommended levels of physical activity -participation in moderate intensity sport and active recreation on 20 or more days in the previous 4 weeks, (averaging 5 or more...

Domiciliary Care Services for Adults, Northern Ireland

This statistical bulletin presents information on the number of clients receiving domiciliary care services from the statutory and independent sectors during a survey week. It provides information...