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1,486 results found

OS Open Greenspace

Find the location of public parks, playing fields, sports facilities, play areas, allotments and more with OS Open Greenspace. A valuable dataset to stimulate creative thinking and innovation to...

What can we learn about social integration in London from Twitter?

At the beginning of 2019 the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned Ipsos MORI to develop a deeper understanding of social integration using publicly accessible Twitter data.  The research...

Belfast Sport Pitches Playing Fields

This data set contains information about our sports pitches and playing fields, data items include; name, address, longitude, latitude

Play Areas in The Highland Council area.

Play Areas in The Highland Council area.

St Albans City and District Council Play Areas

Childrens play areas for ages 0-18 years with a range of play equipment available. Includes skateboard parks and BMX tracks.


A recreation area feature which is managed and has a physical boundary (e.g. a car park, play area or building). Vehicle - Purpose built and installed FC asset, or regularly used natural feature,...

London Borough of Barnet Playing Pitch Strategy Update - 2021/22

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...

Total Regional Review Dinantian Play SNS (2007)

Abstract: A regional review by Total E & P on the Dinantian (Lower Carboniferous) carbonate play in the Southern North Sea and Onshore UK. This report was prepared for the UK Department of...

West Hendon Playing Fields - Feasibility Study including the Draft Master Plan

The meeting of the Environment Committee on 14 March 2019 will consider a report on Sports Hubs master planning. The development of three Sports Hubs in Barnet was one of the recommendations of the...

National Archives - financial spend and income compared with last year

The National Archives is the UK government's official archive. We are guardians of some of the most iconic national documents dating back over 1,000 years. We give detailed guidance to government...

Communication and Participation slides

Unequal impact of COVID-19: BAME disproportionality Addressing the disproportionate impact of the pandemic is a shared endeavour and we want our residents, particularly our Black, Asian, and...

Intervention Yield

Amount of money we expect to receive as a result of compliance activity. Updated: monthly.

Intervention Yield

Amount of money we expect to receive as a result of compliance activity. Updated: monthly.

Fipronil in Eggs

Fipronil is unauthorised for use in food-producing animals, we have acted with urgency to ensure that consumers are protected. Some of the products made from these eggs will have had a short shelf...

West Hendon Playing Fields – Addendum Report, Consultation Report and Draft Final Master Plan

The meeting of the Environment Committee on 12 March 2020 will consider a report on Sports Hubs master planning. The development of three Sports Hubs in Barnet was one of the recommendations of the...

HMRC People Survey results

People survey results showing HMRC’s employee engagement index. The 2013 survey is HMRC’s fifth annual Civil Service People Survey. HMRC’s engagement index has increased by a rounded 3% (from...

National Forest Estate Recreaton Points England 2016

Physical recreation feature on the ground best depicted as point. These features a divided into eight Categories... Signage - FC branded signs, information and navigational aids, which have...

Taxpayers' payments on time

Proportion of businesses and individuals (excluding employees who pay tax through PAYE) who pay tax on time – we will use VAT as a lead indicator.

CWI Environment Domain 2009

The Environment Domain captures aspects of the environment that affect children’s physical well-being (health, exercise and safe, independent mobility). Indicators of the potential of the natural...

HMRC mid-year report to Parliament

The report demonstrates how HMRC have delivered major changes to the way we operate, such as using ‘real time’ ways of working for PAYE, which supports the move to Universal Credit by the...