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165 results found

Countryside Volunteers' Expenses Claims

Expenses claims made by Countryside Volunteers including, date, number and amount paid.

Citizenship Survey: Volunteering and Charitable Giving Topic Report

This report looks at people's involvement in volunteering activities and charitable giving using findings from the Citizenship Survey. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation:...

Master list for Cadet Force Adult Volunt

Personal Files, A list of personal contact information for all the Adults (schools and other) that volunteer to be officers and help out with CCF/SCC/Sea Scouts.

% of residents who volunteer at least once per week (All Responses)

% of residents who volunteer at least once per week (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued

% of residents who volunteer at least once a month (All Responses)

% of residents who volunteer at least once a month (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued

UK Biodiversity Indicator A2, Taking action for nature: volunteer time spent in conservation

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator A2, Taking action for nature: volunteer time spent in conservation. The amount of time people spend volunteering to assist in...

CRB checks on people working and volunteering in schools

The number of applications for position stated as ‘Teacher’, ‘Headteacher’, ‘Classroom Assistant’, ‘Teaching Assistant’, or ‘Special Needs Co-ordinator whose certificate contained at least one...

NI 006 - Percentage who have given unpaid help at least once per month over the last 12 months

The indicator aims to create a culture in which individuals are able to contribute to their communities by volunteering. High levels of volunteering are one sign of strong, active communities....

NI 006 - Percentage who have given unpaid help at least once per month over the last 12 months

The indicator aims to create a culture in which individuals are able to contribute to their communities by volunteering. High levels of volunteering are one sign of strong, active communities....

Database Army HIVE

Database of Army Help Information Volunteer Exchange (HIVE) details.

1977-1982 Underwater Conservation Society Species Record Scheme Data

Volunteer marine species data series collected during the Underwater Observation Scheme.

1977-1982 Underwater Conservation Society Species Record Scheme Data

Volunteer marine species data series collected during the Underwater Observation Scheme.

Citizenship Survey: Community Action Topic Report

This report looks at civic engagement, volunteering and charitable giving using findings from Citizenship Survey. This report has been re-packaged from previous years, and includes similar topic...

CITiZAN: the Coastal and Intertidal Zone Archaeological Network

CITiZAN, the Coastal and InterTidal Zone Archaeological Network, is a community archaeology and citizen science project set up as a direct response to these threats. We raise awareness of our...

2020 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Batten Bay Corella eumyota and Watersipora subatra January survey

Volunteer records of non-native inter-tidal fauna during Timed Species Searches on shores at Mount Batten, South Devon January 2020.

2020 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Batten Bay Corella eumyota and Watersipora subatra January survey

Volunteer records of non-native inter-tidal fauna during Timed Species Searches on shores at Mount Batten, South Devon January 2020.

% of Talkabout panel who give unpaid help to any group, club or organisation

% of Talkabout panel who give unpaid help to any group, club or organisation This is a measure of the Talkabout panel who volunteer.

Payments to Councillors

Although councillors are volunteers and unpaid, they do receive payments (set by an independent review body) to help meet the costs of representing their communities. Details of payments made are...

Citizenship Survey (Latest)

Statistics from the Citizenship Survey for England and Wales include data covering a range of issues including community cohesion, empowerment, values, racial and religious prejudice and...

DBS certificate volumes 2008-2013

Dataset contains DBS certificate volumes, including those submitted by paper and online as well as those which were for volunteer purposes. Data covers 2008 to July 2013. Provided as part of...