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457 results found

Vehicle security and vehicle crime

Vehicle crime has fallen 80% since 1995, which makes it one of the most important factors in the long-term decline in overall crime. The report aimed to extract a large amount of learning from...

Fleet vehicles

Dataset showing all council owned vehicles. Information ----------- The following information refers to the columns in the data: * Fleet = fleet number (specific number used to identify a...

Metroshuttle vehicles

This file provides information to uniquely identify vehicles operating the Manchester and Stockport Metroshuttle bus services and the route that they operate on (i.e. Service number). Does NOT...

% of panel satisfied with York as a place to live

% of panel satisfied with York as a place to live

Vehicle Licensing Statistics

Annual report providing a range of key statistics relating to licensed vehicles and new vehicle registrations in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National...

% of Talkabout panel satisfied with their local area as a place to live

% of Talkabout panel satisfied with their local area as a place to live This is a measure of the Talkabout panel members who are satisfied with their local area as a place to live. ‘Local area’...

Vehicle fires

National statistics publication - Fire statistics Great Britain 2011 to 2012. Road Vehicle Fires: Table 6 & 16.

Vehicle licence data

Vehicle licence data, details of the year of vehicle registration, geographic information about the vehicle keeper and specific details about the vehicle type Source: Department for Transport...

% of tenants satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord

% of tenants satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord

Vehicle Excise Duty Evasion

Annual bulletin presenting estimates of the per cent and number of vehicles on Britain’s roads that are unlicensed and the associated revenue lost through non-payment of vehicle excise...

% of customers who were satisfied with the overall level of service provided

% of customers who were satisfied with the overall level of service provided

Fleet vehicles fuel consumption

Dataset showing how much fuel each council vehicle has consumed, by year and by fuel type. Dataset guidance ---------------- The following information refers to the columns in the data: * ...

End of Life Vehicles

End of Life Vehicles: Records of information supplied by vehicle producers and of enforcement visits. Contact names and addresses. Records relating to the criminal justice system.

% of tenants satisfied that their landlord provides a home that is well maintained

% of tenants satisfied that their landlord provides a home that is well maintained

Electric Vehicles Charging Points

Charging points for electric vehicles in York. For further information about electric charging points please visit the...

Heavy Goods Vehicle Case History

Technical information on authorized vehicle conversions. Information transferred to Vehicle Testing Goods 10 form

Motor vehicle production

Data on the production of passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Vehicle excise duty evasion estimates

Statistics presenting estimates of the percent and number of vehicles on Britain’s roads that are unlicensed and the associated revenue lost through non-payment of vehicle excise duty. Source...

Vehicle Safety Branch Defects Database

Holds information on alleged vehicle safety defects that have been reported to Vehicle Safety Branch from various sources.

Deer Vehicle Collisions

Points showing the locations of traffic accidents involving deer (2008-2018). Data collected by the National Deer-Vehicle Collisions Project - A Project administered by The...