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Percentage change in average weekly earnings in Primary Urban Areas

Percentage change in average weekly earnings in Primary Urban Areas. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Congestion on locally managed A roads

This publication contains the latest provisional official statistics on congestion on locally managed A roads in England Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated...

OGA - UKCS Designations

There is no description available.

OGA - UKCS Designations

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NSTA - UKCS Designations


Gardens and Designed Landscapes

Gardens and designed landscapes are grounds which have been laid out for artistic effect and, in appropriate cases, include references to any buildings, land, or water on, adjacent, or contiguous...

Urban Rural Classification

A map which highlights the rurality of an area.

Historic Urban Districts

Urban Districts were replaced in April 1974 during a local government review that created the Stockport Metropolitan Borough

Principal Urban Areas

Layer Illustrating the urban extent of Cheltenham as refererred to in Local Plan 2006

Urban Core Boundary

Planning boundary for joint planning with Newcastle Council.

Urban Green Space

Urban Greenspace has amenity value and may have either limited public access (such as private sports grounds), or no public access, (such as areas of farmland or public utility land). It performs...

Malvern Urban Greenspace

Extents of areas designated Malvern Urban Green Space (MUGS) in Malvern Hills District Council. Comprising part of the Local Plan as published in 2006. Policy QL2

Urban Green Space

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all areas of urban green space (UGS) within the London Borough of Sutton. UGS includes areas of open space with restricted public access such as sports...

Historical Bathing Water Quality at Designated Beaches 1988 - 2014

This dataset is an archive of data relevant to the old Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC) and won't be updated now the directive is no longer in force. For the latest bathing water quality...

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) 2017 - Combined (Final Designations)

This dataset sets out the Nitrate Vulnerable Zone designations following the 4 yearly review for implementation in 2017. These are the final designations following appeals. Nitrate Vulnerable...

Designated Alcohol Public Place Order

Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs) give police officers discretionary powers to require a person to stop drinking and confiscate alcohol or containers of alcohol in public places. Publicly...

Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs)

Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs) within the Cherwell District Council administrative area in partnership with Thames Valley Police. DPPOs help local authorities deal with the problems of...

City Intelligence Data Design Guidelines

A set of guidelines to help us all at the GLA understand the basic principles of data visualisation, provide some examples of good practice, working processes and links to tools we can all use. See...

Urban Audit

Urban Audit is a European Commission sponsored project to provide comparable data on urban areas. Urban Audit 2010- 2012, includes 185 main variables for the UK and further derived figures based on...

Urban Audit

This short article explores a variety of different data for 12 large cities in the UK compared with a selection of other European cities. It is designed to highlight the variety of data on offer...