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125 results found

National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO): Ice Sheet Dynamics Data

Theme 5 (Cryosphere and Polar Oceans) of the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) is aimed at resolving uncertainties in future climate and sea-level arising from behaviour of the...

National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO): Ice Sheet Dynamics Data

Theme 5 (Cryosphere and Polar Oceans) of the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) is aimed at resolving uncertainties in future climate and sea-level arising from behaviour of the...

Land Cover Map 2023 (25m rasterised land parcels, N. Ireland)

This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Northern Ireland, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band...

Land Cover Map 2022 (25m rasterised land parcels, N. Ireland)

This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Northern Ireland, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band...

Land Cover Map 2022 (25m rasterised land parcels, GB)

This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Great Britain, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band...

Land Cover Map 2021 (25m rasterised land parcels, GB)

This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Great Britain, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band...

Land Cover Map 2023 (25m rasterised land parcels, GB)

This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Great Britain, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band...

Land Cover Map 2020 (25m rasterised land parcels, N. Ireland)

This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Northern Ireland, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band...

Coastal Design - Extreme Sea Levels

This GIS dataset and supporting information providing design / extreme sea level and typical surge information around the coastline of Wales under present day conditions. This is a specialist...

Land Cover Map 2020 (25m rasterised land parcels, GB)

This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band dataset in GeoTiff...

Transition Zone Mapping for Marine-Terrestrial Archaeological Continuity (Contiguous Palaeo-Landscape Reconstruction)

The primary objective of this project was to produce a contiguous palaeo-landscape reconstruction across the marine to terrestrial boundary therefore enhancing the archaeological continuity across...

Modelled recapture of ammonia by shelterbelt trees in the UK

This dataset contains modelled ammonia recapture by shelterbelts downwind of an ammonia source. The runs were located in the UK with ten years of averaged meteorological data for the different...

Transition Zone Mapping for Marine-Terrestrial Archaeological Continuity (Contiguous Palaeo-Landscape Reconstruction)

The primary objective of this project was to produce a contiguous palaeo-landscape reconstruction across the marine to terrestrial boundary therefore enhancing the archaeological continuity across...

Land Cover Map 2021 (25m rasterised land parcels, N. Ireland)

This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Northern Ireland, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band...

Digital geochronological index

A digital geochronological index to act as a domain constraint for geochronology columns in corporate data tables. It decodes geochronology codes, models pseudo parent-child relationships between...

Microseismic source parameters from induced seismicity in the Horn River Basin (British Columbia) (NERC Grant NE/R017956/1)

This data set contains seismic source parameters (magnitudes, corner frequencies, stress drops and their associated uncertainty) for 94 microseismic events linked to fault reactivation during...

Report: Kingsnorth E.ON UK Carbon Capture & Storage Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 09: Environment and Consent

During 2010-11, as part of the Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Demonstration Competition process, E.ON undertook a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study for the development of a commercial...

Grid-to-Grid model estimates of daily mean river flow for gauged catchments in Great Britain: weather@home2 (climate model) driving data [MaRIUS-G2G-WAH2-daily]

This dataset is a model output, from the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model driven by weather@home2 climate model data. It provides a 100-member ensemble of daily mean river flow (m3/s) for 260...

Grid-to-Grid model estimates of monthly mean flow and soil moisture for Great Britain (1960 to 2015): observed driving data [MaRIUS-G2G-MORECS-monthly]

This dataset is a model output, from the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model driven by observed climate data (CEH-GEAR rainfall and MORECS potential evaporation). It provides monthly mean flow (m3/s)...

DECIPHeR model estimates of daily flow for 1366 gauged catchments in Great Britain (1962-2015) using observed driving data

This dataset provides 100 model realisations of daily river flow in cubic metres per second (m3/s) for 1,366 catchments, for the period 1962 to 2015. The dataset is model output from the DECIPHeR...