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59 results found

North Sea Interactive: a decision:-support tool to guide environmental monitoring by the oil and gas industry

The North Sea Interactive (NSI) project was an 8-month NERC funded project led by Heriot-Watt University, in collaboration with the BGS and NOC. The aim of the project was to develop a new...

Unemployment benefit claims

This data has been taken from LGInform at data reference ID 5470 The figures show the numbers of people claiming unemployment benefits aged between 25-49 and...

Eating biodiversity - ecology data, 2005-2007

The study is part of the NERC Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. This project investigated the links between quality food production and biodiversity protection by asking the question:...

TEX86 sea surface temperature compilation for the Eocene epoch, 56 to 34 million years ago (NERC grant NE/I005714/1)

TEX86 sea surface temperature compilation for the Eocene epoch (56 to 34 million years ago). Also included are other GDGT-based indices which are used to flag potentially problematic SST estimates....

Transcripts of qualitative community surveys carried out in Amuria (A) and Katakwi (K) districts, north-eastern Uganda (NERC grant NE/L001799/1)

The data are transcripts of qualitative community surveys carried out in Amuria (A) and Katakwi (K) districts, north-eastern Uganda, as part of a pilot project looking at causes of borehole/hand...

Scoping Industry Approaches to Fully Documented Fisheries 2012/13 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The proposed reform to the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) sets out a move to a land-all catch policy for EU fishing vessels, with a requirement for full reporting of fishing and onboard processing...

2000 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch records from Dorset in 2000. Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to gather...

2001 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch survey dives undertaken in Dorset in 2001. Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to...

2001 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch survey dives undertaken in Dorset in 2001. Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to...

2000 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch records from Dorset in 2000. Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to gather...

2002 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch survey of Dorset using mostly amateur recorders. Records subsequently validated by an expert post-survey assessor and biotopes assigned according to the MNCR 04.05 key. Seasearch is...

2002 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch survey of Dorset using mostly amateur recorders. Records subsequently validated by an expert post-survey assessor and biotopes assigned according to the MNCR 04.05 key. Seasearch is...

1995-2002 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to gather information on the marine habitats and species...

1995-2002 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to gather information on the marine habitats and species...

Cemeteries and Old Graveyards in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

Location of Council owned or maintained Cemeteries and Old Graveyards within Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area.The Estates Service is responsible for the operation and upkeep of...

Cemeteries and Old Graveyards in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

Location of Council owned or maintained Cemeteries and Old Graveyards within Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area.The Estates Service is responsible for the operation and upkeep of...

Azores processed theoretical waveforms (NERC grant NE/N011791/1)

Theoretical waveforms computed to study earthquakes in the Azores archipelago. Grant abstract: How do earthquakes happen? Understanding the nature of earthquakes is a key fundamental question in...

Processed SAR interferograms (NERC grant NE/N011791/1)

Processed SAR interferograms for the Wells, Nevada earthquake. Grant abstract: How do earthquakes happen? Understanding the nature of earthquakes is a key fundamental question in Geociences that...

Habitat Map of Scotland (HabMoS)

These data provide an initial release of combined NVC conversion data with data from the Saltmarsh survey, Sand Dune survey, Coastal Vegetated Shingle survey and extracts from the Native Woodland...