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986 results found

Rivers Strahler Ranking

The first segment of a stream is a 1st order stream. When two 1st order streams merge the next segment becomes a 2nd order stream. When two 2nd order streams merge it becomes a 3rd order stream and...

Barnet Top Ups 2425 - With hours

No description provided

NSTA Collated Well Tops

As part of the wider Exploration strategy, the NSTA is publishing geological data to help promote exploration activity across the UKCS. One of the areas of data publication has been focused around...

Employment rate (%) (Rank out of 64)

Employment rate (%) (Rank out of 64)

Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued by location

A list of the top 50 locations in Calderdale ranked on Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued.

Health Deprivation

Health Deprivation and Disability Score and Rank from Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2007, by SOA. Low ranks denote greater levels of relative deprivation where 1 = most deprived SOA and 32,482 =...

River Levels Application Programming Interface (API)

This dataset covers monitoring data that is updated on our systems on a minimum of a daily update cycle. This is increased during times of flooding etc. Measurements of the height (m) of...

Child Poverty Issues

Income Deprivation affecting Children Score and Rank from Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2007, by SOA. This score shows the proportion of children aged 0-15 years living in income deprived...

Library loans - top 100 authors borrowed (adult fiction)

This dataset provides a list of the top 100 adult fiction authors borrowed from Leeds City Council libraries, ranked in order of the number of loans for their books.

Exercises - File Checking and Rank Exercise

Details of claim checks and reviews

ID 2007 Average IMD Rank

ID 2007 Average IMD Rank (population weighted average of combined index of multiple deprivation ranks for the SOAs in a district) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID...

Map based index (GeoIndex) top soil

This layer shows data collected mainly by the Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment (G-BASE) programme. Geochemical data are available for soil samples for the Humber-Trent and East Anglia...

Flood Risk Forecast Application Programming Interface (API)

The flood risk forecast is produced by the Flood Forecasting Centre (FFC) on a daily basis. It is issued more frequently when serious flooding is forecast. It provides the indication of the...

West Shetland Shelf Area rule based top down benthic habitat map 2013

The objective of this project was to generate seabed habitat maps for locations with full coverage acoustic datasets to as detailed a hierarchical level as possible within the Marine Habitat...

English Indices of Deprivation 2015 - Summaries at Local Authority Level

This dataset contains a range of measures which summarise the Indices of Deprivation 2015 at local authority district level. This dataset contains a range of measures which summarise the Indices...

Business stock per 10,000 population (Rank out of 64)

Business stock per 10,000 population (Rank out of 64)

Working age population with qualification at NVQ4+ (%) (Rank out of 64)

Working age population with qualification at NVQ4+ (%) (Rank out of 64)

CRB disclosures requested by the top 100 registered bodies

FOI response: the number of CRB applications received by the top Registered Bodies.

Total CO2 emissions per capita (t) (Rank out of 64)

Total CO2 emissions per capita (t) (Rank out of 64)

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Prosperity (Rank out of 324)

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Prosperity (Rank out of 324) *This indicator has been discontinued