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Dental Working Hours - Motivation Analysis

Dental Working Hours, 2012/13 and 2013/14 Motivation Analysis provides information on the motivation and morale of primary care dentists in England & Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland in...

Quarterly Prescription Cost Analysis, England

Quarterly Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) provides details of the number of items and the net ingredient cost of all prescriptions dispensed in the community in England. The drugs dispensed are...

Terrorism arrests - analysis of charging and sentencing outcomes by religion

This briefing has been published alongside the 2012/2013 statistics on Operation of Police Powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 and subsequent legislation, to provide more detailed information.

A section 75 analysis of mortality patterns in Northern Ireland

An analysis of mortality within Northern Ireland using the NI Mortality Study. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not...

Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis 2009 - Public corporations

PESA 2009 chapter 8 sets out central government support for public corporations and shows public corporation expenditure against functional and economic frameworks.

Low carbon and environmental goods and services industry analysis

Underlying data from Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services (LCEGS) reports. Quantifies the low carbon and environmental goods and services sector with data on UK and international markets...

UK innovation survey 2009: science and innovation analysis

Underlying data from figures and tables in chapter 2 of the UK innovation survey 2009: science and innovation analysis [URN 10/P107A]

Analysis of non-tariff measures in the UK internal market

Research report and accompanying regulatory database identifying and analysing existing non-tariff measures (NTMs) in the UK internal market. The report collects data on regulatory measures...

Particle Size Analysis (PSA) analysis data from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC

Particle Size Analysis (PSA) analysis data from North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC (CEND 22/13). The survey at the North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef Site of Community Interest (NNSB...

Technical assessment boundaries behind the abstraction licensing strategies Cycle 2

The technical assessment boundaries are used to define which water resource demands fall into each technical assessment. They are used to look at the balance between society, the economy and the...

BIS economics paper no. 10b: manufacturing in the UK: supplementary analysis

Underlying data and charts supporting the publication BIS Economics Paper no 10b: Manufacturing in the UK: supplementary analysis [URN 10/1334]

Enrolments at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland Analysis

This statistical bulletin details the number of students enrolled at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in NI and NI domiciled students enrolled at HEIs in the United Kingdom (UK) in the academic...

Report and Analysis of the Experience of Patients in Black and Minority Ethnic Groups

Patient Experience for black and minority ethnic groups Source agency: Health Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: BME patient experience

Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis 2009 - Economic analyses of budgets

PESA 2009 chapter 2 provides an economic breakdown of departmental budgets shown in PESA 2009 chapter 1.

WFD RBMP2 Economic analysis 2015_Scenario 5_v1.7

The impact assessment (IA) for the updated river basin management plans was built from multiple data sources and is based on many assumptions. The Scenario 5 dataset is based on programmes of...

WFD RBMP2 Economic analysis 2015_Scenario 2_v1.7

The impact assessment (IA) for the updated river basin management plans was built from multiple data sources and is based on many assumptions. This dataset gives Scenario 2 measures for...

WFD RBMP2 Economic analysis 2015_Scenario 1_v1.0

The impact assessment (IA) for the updated river basin management plans was built from multiple data sources and is based on many assumptions. This dataset gives Scenario 1 estimates of the...

Shell and ExxonMobil Technical Reports

A number of formerly proprietary reports, courtesy of Shell and ExxonMobil, covering regional and subsurface aspects of the Central North Sea, including individual operators’ experiences in low...

Blue Badge - Analysis

Number of Blue Badges issued annually by Type (New or renewal application) and Eligibility criteria.The data will be updated quarterly.

Child and Working Tax Credit (CTC) and (WTC) and children in out of work household geographical analysis for Local Authorities

This data provides bi-annual analysis of the number of children and families receiving Child Tax Credit (CTC) or working Tax Credit (WTC) and whether they are in out of work households. This data...