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1,278 results found

North Sea Oil Model

SAS based field microsimulation model used principally for forecasting North Sea oil and gas revenues. Includes survey data of oil and gas companies' production and expenditure, as well as...

Fleet Transport - Gas Oil - Activity (l)

Fleet Transport - Gas Oil - Activity (l)

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI)

The London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) is an emissions inventory which quantifies greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions released to the environment. It also quantifies emissions removed...

Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - Cost (£)

Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - Cost (£)

London’s consumption based greenhouse gas emissions

Tackling London’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a huge challenge. The impact of these emissions goes far beyond the city’s boundaries. From the electronics we buy and the food we eat to the...

Post-exploration monitoring of soil gas results on Polish shale gas sites

The dataset contains details of field collection of soil gas samples with use of Supel Inert Foil gas sampling bags and the results of methane, ethane, carbon dioxide measurements performed within...

Scottish Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Summary statistics on geenhouse gas emissions for the period 1990-2007 Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

SGN gas network - Scotland

SGN create 4 separate data layers (by pressure tier) to depict the location of their gas network: LP - Low Pressure (19 mbar - 75 mbar) MP - Medium Pressure (75mbar - 2 bar) IP...

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2010

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2010 showing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption for London. The is the final confirmed version of the LEGGI 2010. LEGGI shows...

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2011

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2011 showing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption for London. The is the final confirmed version of the LEGGI 2011. LEGGI shows...

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2012

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2012 showing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption for London. The is the interim version of the LEGGI 2012, which will be confirmed...

% of Urgent Gas Repairs completed within Government Timescales

% of Urgent Gas Repairs completed within Government Timescales *This indicator has been discontinued

Solid wall and off gas network properties, (LSOA)

Number and percentage of properties with solid walls and those not connected to gas mains at Lower Super Output Area level. Data is taken from the rural fuel poverty study funded by Eaga...

Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - Activity (kWh)

Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - Activity (kWh)

QICS Paper: Passive acoustic quantification of gas fluxes during controlled gas release experiments

The detection and quantification of an underwater gas release are becoming increasingly important for oceanographic and industrial applications. Whilst the detection of each individual bubble...

Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) and Intermediate Geography Zone (IGZ) electricity and gas estimates

Statistics on the consumption of electricity and gas broken down by Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) and Intermediate Geography Zone (IGZ) Accredited Official...

NSTA - Oil & Gas Activity - CNS


NSTA - Oil & Gas Activity - UK


NSTA - Oil & Gas Activity - WOS


NSTA - Oil & Gas Activity - SNS
